
Jul 29, 2009
I just read a rewiew on a test between these two cards... the 275 was overall better for the price and performance... but they didnt take in a count for the oc on the 4890... my question is which is better after oc? the 275 has much higher load temperature so idk how much i could oc it and be safe, if i can oc the 4890 to high speeds and still maintain a safe temp then it appears it would be the better choice. after a reasonable high oc on the 4890 it would out perform the 275 without a doubt


Mar 1, 2009
from what I've heard, the 4890 will walk all over the 275 once OC'ed, but if you are leaving both at the stock speeds, it just comes down to personal preference. From benchmarks that I have seen (don't have time to find links, I'm at work), the 4890 can compete with/ beat the GTX 285 when OC'ed.


Jul 29, 2009
yea and the 4890 is cheaper, looks great... just dont know much bout ati cards really... and yea whatever card im getting i will oc it for sure lol


Mar 1, 2009
People are always complaining about the ATI drivers, but I have never had any problems with them. I've been running a 2.8 P4 with an X850 Pro that I bought for $280 back in the day, and am finally doing a brand new PII X4 955 (or maybe 965) build that should be finished in 2 weeks or maybe 4 depending on paycheck size/living expenses, and I am going with an XFX 4890 for their double lifetime warranty.


Jul 29, 2009
yea iv just never really dealed with ati... my bro's laptop has an ati from factory and after it died a few years later i replaced it with a geforce that died a month later :( lol i like the 4890 though.. i like it alot actually just cant find any boards that appeal me that are crossfirex ready and can hold the i7 for a decent price.. just bad market options right now

So you are saying the 275 does not have DX10.1 support?


Well, I wouldn't necessarily say "walk all over" there, especially when taking into consideration overclocking the GTX 275 for a fair fight:

I have both that and an HD 4870 in another build, and the GTX 275 is much less fussy and easier to overclock. Further, the freeware utility nHancer software beats anything that ATI or anyone else offers. Finally, Rivatuner never worked well on the HD 4870 for fan speed control.

That said, there are a few games that perform noticeably better with the ATI card, like FC2 and GRID. However, if you play FSX, the ATI cards perform anywhere from 10-20% less than a comparable Nvidia card. When I swapped out the HD 4870 and stuck in the GTX 275 (and a fresh reformat and reload of everything), frames jumped immediately at the exact same graphics settings from 38 to 45. Since about 75% of my time is spent on FSX, it was money well spent for the upgrade (overclocking GPUs does nothing for FSX). Here's a HAWK benchmark comparo with some DX10.1 figures:,2845,2344301,00.asp

As always, YMMV.

And yes, DX 10.1 is not supported with the GTX 275, which helps FPS performance in some games.
As far as the "Naked Eye" goes you simply cannot tell the difference in performance if we compare both cards no matter what overclocking you do.... You might see more frames on one card compared to the other but that's about it.... In other words you will not see a night n day difference between the 4890 and 275.....Both cards rock... [:jaydeejohn:5]


Jul 29, 2009
yea im still debating on which im going with, but either way im dualing them up in the future so ill be rockin out for any games in the near future :)


May 29, 2008
ummm... my question would be, (not sure why this has not been asked yet) what motherboard do you have, is there support for Crossfire or SLI, that would be my deciding factor... If you have neither, i would personally go with the 4890, it's cheaper and OC's VERY well..


Jul 29, 2009
well i posted 3 mobos earlier, on the mobo threads and i was told all 3 supported both so i should be fine.. but i cant decide on what mobo lol... after i decide which one between the 3 i can finally pick which card and move on with this rig... these are the only two components idk which to get cause their the heart of my rig

Edit: besides the i7 ofc :)


May 29, 2008
ah ha! now we're getting somewhere, Crossfire is a little more lenient as far as compatibility, you can mix & match many different video cards, with SLI, you need exactly the same card(s) typically, over the past few years Nvidia was a little better than ATI cards and this may hold true now, but in my opinion, ATI has come a long way and i have two of them right now, a 4870 1GB and a 4850 512MB (i even crossfired them for shits & giggles and it worked great)

I like both, but ATI right now has the performance to price ratio advantage...

I agree but the only brand i would buy ATM is XFX as far as Ati goes.....The overclocking advantages that you get from a Sapphire or a HIS are not earth-shattering ATM and IMO not worth the extra cash....


Jul 29, 2009
well i have pretty much decided to go with the evga mobo posted above... and i think ima just go with the gtx 275 and oc it myself to ftw oc settings, i dont know enough about ati and i have oc my geforces in the past so might as well go with what i already know... the cards basically perform the same in most aspects.... but the cheaper 4890 is really the only reason i keep thinking about it.. plus the lower oc temps UGHH WHY ME :(

Don't fret, SLi perfoms better than Xfire on the i7 platform, apparently.
Not to mention those temps are way off. Temps on the ATI cards depend on the cooling. I know mine are 4850s, but they had the same problem. The originals topped out at 90+C, but current models are in the 60C range at load.


Aug 25, 2008
i have a gtx275 and it rocks. 4890 is neck to neck with 275 performance. i believe 4890 is a little cheaper than 275. i had ati 2600xt b4 gtx275. i felt like i had to switch it up a bit. always been like that since voodoo2->gforce ti4200->radeon9800pro-->nvidia 7800gs(agp)-->2600xt(pci-e)-->gtx 275.