Where are you getting 5% from? That's not what I'm seeing, more reviews show it closer to the GTX285 and over 5% more than the GTX275, bit more importantly the GTX480 (with only 480 shaders) is pulling more power than the GTX295 in some reviews and the HD5970 in most reviews. Hopefully with an Xbit review we will know the true draw of the GTX cards (especially retail models, not hand picked PR models).
Regardless of all else that's alota juice, and the discussion was about Fermi-Full-bore as in 512 shaders using power and creating heat. Even at 480 it's easily what one would classify as 'power hungry'.
Like I said many times, that doesn't matter to some people, and wouldn't matter to many more if performance were seen as worthy of that extra power/heat. It's funny that we even have to revisit that because it's not like it came out as efficient or cool, it did come out a little cheaper, but that is price, not cost, and it's also not what was the pricing concern. Obviously yields of the 512 shader part at speed within spec were too low, so we'll never know what those few would've cost. Also we don't even know if the price/volume is realistic or artificially supported.
Power and Heat are still a concern, and we still don't know if it played a factor in it's crippling either, however alot of the people who want to buy them likely don't care that much and will spend the appropriate money to handle both issues.
Main thing remains that it's out there for those who want it, and for now it is the single GPU king and a big fat target for ATi, the question is if AMD knows how to aim (still surprised at AMD's poor PR reaction sofar, doing their typical crap job IMO, nV woulda had something to yell about this week if the tables were turned).