Half-Life + HD package vs Half-Life: Source



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Hello, I bought the collectors edition that provides Half-Life: source and
counter strike: source.

To my understanding, the only difference with the source version and the
version from the late 90's is the water effects and the physics (no other
graphical updates).


I see Half-Life Platinum on sale for $39 CDN which contains opposing force
and blue shift with the HD package.

I don't *think* valve has any intention on releasing source editions of
opposing force or blue shift.

Do you think it is worth $39 for this package just to play these two games?
Will the Half Life + HD pack look better than the Half-Life: Source version?
Finally, does this platinum package play nicely with Win XP SP2?

Many thanks!
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"Recoil" <gatkinson@sympatico.ca> wrote in message
> Hello, I bought the collectors edition that provides Half-Life: source and
> counter strike: source.
> To my understanding, the only difference with the source version and the
> version from the late 90's is the water effects and the physics (no other
> graphical updates).
Wrong, completely wrong! Well, certainly with CS:S. The Source version looks
nothing like the previous version; 1.6? I think was the last version. It
looks *so*much better.

You are correct though, about HL:S. I don't think they've updated it much.
"Digitall enhanced" is the phrase they use :-(

> Situation:
> I see Half-Life Platinum on sale for $39 CDN which contains opposing force
> and blue shift with the HD package.
> I don't *think* valve has any intention on releasing source editions of
> opposing force or blue shift.
Nope, probably not :-(

> Do you think it is worth $39 for this package just to play these two
> games?
> Will the Half Life + HD pack look better than the Half-Life: Source
> version?
> Finally, does this platinum package play nicely with Win XP SP2?
On a related note....I have HL:BS myself, but due to problems with the
original version, have downloaded the original HL through Steam. Does this
mean that the HD pack from BS will not have any effect? I'm guessing that's
the case.

> Many thanks!
From me, too 🙂

Carl Waring
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"Carl Waring" <carl.waring@REDyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
> "Recoil" <gatkinson@sympatico.ca> wrote in message
> news:C13Rd.8355$dZ.560603@news20.bellglobal.com...

> > Do you think it is worth $39 for this package just to play these two
> > games? Will the Half Life + HD pack look better than the Half-Life: Source
> > version? Finally, does this platinum package play nicely with Win XP SP2?

It's worth getting OpFor and BS, but that still sounds kind of expensive.
I got HL Platinum for $15 US two years ago. Runs fine with SP1 if
patched to 1110+ (BS doesn't work with Steam, IIRC).

> On a related note....I have HL:BS myself, but due to problems with the
> original version, have downloaded the original HL through Steam. Does this
> mean that the HD pack from BS will not have any effect? I'm guessing that's
> the case.

Open Pak1.pak with Pakexplorer or QPedII, and move the files into
their corresponding folders in Steamapps/Half-Life/valve.
Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

nutt wrote:
> "Carl Waring" <carl.waring@REDyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:Or3Rd.16884$8B3.10942@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk...
>>"Recoil" <gatkinson@sympatico.ca> wrote in message
>>>Do you think it is worth $39 for this package just to play these two
>>>games? Will the Half Life + HD pack look better than the Half-Life: Source
>>>version? Finally, does this platinum package play nicely with Win XP SP2?
> It's worth getting OpFor and BS, but that still sounds kind of expensive.
> I got HL Platinum for $15 US two years ago. Runs fine with SP1 if
> patched to 1110+ (BS doesn't work with Steam, IIRC).
>>On a related note....I have HL:BS myself, but due to problems with the
>>original version, have downloaded the original HL through Steam. Does this
>>mean that the HD pack from BS will not have any effect? I'm guessing that's
>>the case.
> Open Pak1.pak with Pakexplorer or QPedII, and move the files into
> their corresponding folders in Steamapps/Half-Life/valve.

Doesn't buying the collector's edition give you free downloads from Valve's back catalog?
Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

"jojoko" wrote
> Doesn't buying the collector's edition give you free downloads from
> Valve's back catalog?
Opposing Force and BlueShift is *not* done by Valve - but Gearbox
You can't find Gunmans Chronicles either
Hmm a shame really, I kind of like that game :)

- Peter
Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?)

Peter Lykkegaard wrote:
> "jojoko" wrote
>>Doesn't buying the collector's edition give you free downloads from
>>Valve's back catalog?
> Yes?
> Opposing Force and BlueShift is *not* done by Valve - but Gearbox
> You can't find Gunmans Chronicles either
> Hmm a shame really, I kind of like that game :)

Valve's back catalog includes:
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Counter-Strike: Deleted Scenes
Day of Defeat
Team Fortress Classic
Deathmatch Classic
**Opposing Force**

.....well I'm confused now...:S
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"jojoko" wrote

> ....well I'm confused now...:S
Yeah I can understand that
Didn't knew OP4 is in the backcatalog

Oh well

Anyway you ain't gonna see BS in the backcatalog as the gameengine itself
was changed for BS
BS is not compatible with the HL engine a such
They did some changes to the BSP fileformat + others

- Peter