[SOLVED] Hard Drive 2021 - Where To Buy?


Oct 24, 2019
Current HDD: ST2000DM005-2CW102
USE: School works and a bit of gaming; Stellaris, Total of War: Rome 2. GTA V etc.


My hard drive (which was included with my PC when I bought it second-hand about 2 years ago) is keep making loud noises before crashing my computer. In fact, this has been happening for more than a year and I'm surprise that its still booting up.

I have been trying to look for an replacement for about a year now but had missed my chance to do so for more than a few occasions.

However, I couldn't just keep on backing up my important files onto my external HDD so I would like to ask what website is the best when it comes to buying cheap but high quality hard drives. It would also be nice if anyone knows of any upcoming sales date.

Black Friday is always good for sales, past that just keep looking, there are not set sales for drives. Usually can find them cheaper when manufacturers change models. Not sure why you were waiting a year to buy another drive, they are not that expensive.

And you need to keep backing up your files to another drive even when you replace yours.

This WD Blue is good for the price...
Just a full size 2TB hard drive. Quality wise, all about the same, only a few companies still making hard drives and 2TB has been a common size for the better part of a decade now.

Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba, Samsung

Western Digital Blue is $50, this is an okay drive. Black would be better. Seagate Barracuda, Hitachi Deskstar, or a Samsung Spinpoint. All you will get you about the same results.

These days it is recommended to use an SSD. You can pick up something like a Crucial MX500 1TB SSD for $90. If you don't have a need for even that much storage, 500GB SSDs are about the same price as 1TB hard drives.
Black Friday is always good for sales, past that just keep looking, there are not set sales for drives. Usually can find them cheaper when manufacturers change models. Not sure why you were waiting a year to buy another drive, they are not that expensive.

And you need to keep backing up your files to another drive even when you replace yours.

This WD Blue is good for the price https://www.amazon.com/Western-Digi...&rnid=676128011&s=pc&sr=1-18&ts_id=1254762011