Question HDD LED is lit constantly ?


Dec 2, 2014
Greetings. m.2 ssd kingspec on 256Gb is connected to the motherboard (GIGABYTE B450M DS3H). When i turn on the computer while the computer is loading, the indicator for accessing the hard disk flashes correctly, after loading the OS, the hdd indicator starts to light constantly, and at the time of accessing the HDD goes out, that is, it works exactly the opposite than it should. The indicator on the m2. ssd also lights up constantly and goes out at the time of accessing it, apparently the indicator on the case just repeats the flashing on the ssd itself. I think it's related. How to fix this ailment?
If the HDD LED is constantly lit, especially when the computer isn't otherwise responsive, it's usually a sign that the device is locked up or frozen. Most of the time, your only course of action here is to restart manually, which often means pulling the power cable and/or removing the battery.
No! I am not asking you about what this led shows. I know what it shows. And i know when my PC is locks and so on.
This drive is fully operational, i can work with it, but it seems that IT'S LED is working the opposite way. It lights always and GOES OUT when activity is ocures. Understand ?

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