Help choose a good amd dual core to oc


Oct 1, 2008
My 4800+ X2 is even cheaper.. I'm on 3Ghz (aircooling) easy very low temps and only 1.37 Vcore.... I had it on 3.2Ghz stable.. but then u will need Fluid cooling...
My 5400+ BE easily reached 3.2G on air cooling, using a Zalman 9700

Vcore = 1.4250v allows a 16X multi if FSB is default @ 200Mhz

CPU Freq = 200
CPU Multi = 16X
HT = 1G
Pci-E = 100

Need to set your specific DDR2 settings manually including slot voltage, [See Manufacturer specs]

Note to Share FYI: Black Edition CPUs are Unlocked Multiplier CPUs, as was the previous Socket 939FX series of which I've previously owned an FX57 single core and a FX60 dual core, my experience with OCing unlocked multis is if you raise the FSB your OC will not be as high and Stable as if you leave the FSB at its stock setting and just raise the multiplier, keeping the HT in its prospective 1G window and your machine stable.

There is no need to increase the FSB to attain a higher OC with an unlocked multiplier, you just need to keep the CPU cool and raise the Vcore as needed to get the system stable at whatever higher multiplier you use.

I've had my 5400+ at 3.4G on air but that required a 1.500v Vcore, and produced too high of temps to continue running on air, thus I dropped it back to 3.2, however anyone water cooling should easily reach the 17X multi for a 3.4 result and keep the system cool enough.

There are tried and true methods for OCing AMD CPUs, however the raising FSB and HT does not yield rock solid stable results, when raising an AMD CPU past its normal default multiplier, you can always lower the multiplier and raise the FSB, but why the crap would you do that with an unlocked multiplier???

And also stay away from .5 multiplier settings, increase in whole number intervals.

My 2 cents! Ryan

The Egg has the 5400 BE for 72 bones no fan(u all ready have the freezer)I'm running at :CPU Clock 3199.6 MHz,CPU Multiplier 13.5x,CPU FSB 237.0 MHz (original: 200 MHz, overclock: 19%)HyperTransport Clock 1185.1 MHz,Memory Bus 457.1 MHz,DRAM:FSB Ratio CPU/7:Real Clock 457 MHz (DDR)Effective Clock 914 MHz idle temp 35c-45c on a Asus
M3a79-t board Zalman 9700 turning 1500 rpms stock voltage of 1.34 Volted to 1.375 toke it to 3454 MHz ran everest,but didn't do any stress testing or play any games
My 4800+ X2 is even cheaper.. I'm on 3Ghz easy (aircooling) With the ThermalTake Blue Orb II. very low temps and only 1.37 Vcore.... Max temps under full load 42-45 @ 3Ghz..I had it on 3.2Ghz stable.. but then u will need Fluid cooling... But u've got the freezer..!
@UncleFester, No Offence M8!

My post is to try and help those get the most they can out of their hardware, your settings are interesting! Can you run and complete to attaining a score in 3Dmark03, 05, and 06?

Those benches are a good quick litmus test of a stable OC, if they won't complete then your OC adventure is far from over, and where your HT is set, I'll guess if won't complete?

Heres a reference thread to the beginning of my 5400+ OCing adventure.

If this offends you UncleFester, that is not my intention and I truly apologize!!!

I have had extensive trials and errors OCing AMD unlocked Multiplier CPUs and they respond differently as soon as the multiplier starts to increase past their default speed setting, so this is an attempt to share what I've learned the hard way as the 5400+ AM2 socket, seems to follow the same exact parameters as the Skt939 CPUs did. Ryan
Ryan, no offence taken.bro
I was told b4 what your saying,better OCs using multiplier.Been trying to get the most out of my OCZ Reaper 8500s(1066 D9 chips).When I up the mutiplier it changes my FSB from 7 to 9.Been running 4-4-4-8 2T timings at these settings:13.5x,CPU FSB 237.0 MHz .
3dMark06 9597 (1x 9800 GT)
3dMark03 23760 (your score of 57,599 most impressive,Qdoes)
Aquamark3 132080
Geekbench2 3453
VideoCardSta 543
NovaBench 295

Everest 4.50 scores
Mem Read 9738
Mem Write 9092
Mem Copy 10088
Mem Late 42.2
CPU Queen 11213
PhotoWkx 9835
ZLib 36592
AES 8303
Julia 2816
Mandel 1542
SinJulia 1433
Look 4ward to seeing somemore of your test scores.
Also wondering what your rig is?


Nort,as you can see both of these BEs can easily attain 3ghz running under 45c.
Looked at the Egg last night (11-10-08)and only seen the 5400 BE
Didn,t see any other BEs(may have missed something)
I think all the others have locked multipliers.(If I'm wrong correct me Ryan. Thanks)

My present rig specs are listed in my member info to the left, I started this AM2 adventure with an ASUS Crosshair II Formula motherboard, AMD 5400+ BE, and OCZ 4G DDR2 6400 4 x 1G matched set.

I'm presently running a Phenom 9950 BE X4, in the Crosshair II M/B, going with a Phenom was my original intentions of the M/B I chose, only at the time of purchase money was tight, if you understand what I mean.

With the Phenom a 3Dmark03 SLI score of 64,404, is a pretty nice improvement over the 5400+ dual core score.

I keep extensive notes on all my OCs and presently I'm not running the 5400+ dualie so posting additional benches of the 5400+ is possible but presently not going to happen, even though I am curious to see how the Corsair 4G 2 x 2G setup fairs against the OCZ 4G 4 x 1G, that in itself should yield some kind of performance increase.

Nice results you're getting OCing your 5400+, I've often wondered what the end result would be lowering the multi and increasing the FSB.
Ryan know exactacly what talking about with money thing,always trying to get best bang for the buck thing.Figure on getting a quad farther down the road.When the price comes down to my range.That and the wattage should drop even more. I see it's already dopped from 140 to 125 scence I bought this board.
Who knows maybe the next AMD architecture may be even better.
Fester, I think the 125W factor may be the reason I've gotten some higher OCs than some with the exact same M/B, the lower wattage has to make an OCing difference.

The next AMD architecture is rumored to include another FX CPU, don't really know if thats solidly true, but I've read it twice now from different sources, from what I've heard the new 45nm process for AMD will yield faster clock speeds but run on DDR3 RAM, but still be able to be used in the AM2 socket.

Hopefully thats true it would be like AMD shooting itself in the foot not to take advantage of the existing AM2/AM2+ platforms, that cannot run DDR3 but can run the CPU, when folks have to replace everything, that seriously stings the pocket.

Also heard AMDs target release is a 3G clock speed, thats great instead of all the back stepping thats recently been done.

The new Intel platform will require changing out pretty much everything, to step up to that level.
Thats part of the reason I went with 5400 BE . I was afraid of having a slow melt-down going with one of the higher watt dual core (that and money, $40 bones cheaper than the 6000 (if i remember right).

I did see something on the Shanghai.You probably already seen this but heres a link [...] anghai.htmit's.

You have me wondering about DDR3.Sure hope my DDR2 Reapers are going to be compatible with the next architecture.

Do you suppose Nort will come back in and tell us what he desided to go with.
I know i'm still on a learning curve, where I spend most or my time in the DITCH!!!
Forgot to mention changed Nvidia drivers to 177.79 brought my scores up on 3dMark06 from 9597 to 10,819. On 3dMark from 23,760 to 27,324.
Basically 11% just by getting a driver better tuned for my 9800 GT.
Didn't seam to help any other synthetic tests, haven't tried it in game yet.

From what I've heard and thats just scuttlebutt, the 45nm AM3 is supposed to be able to run in an AM2 socket, but AM2 only runs DDR2 memory so the added DDR3s performance will be only acheived if you upgrade M/B and Memory.

Hopefully if that info is correct, and it would definitely be in AMDs best interest if it is correct, that would mean a lot of AMD CPU sales right off the bat, if the AM3 can run in existing AM2 socket M/Bs.

Also heard an AM2 CPU, will not run in an AM3 socket M/B, for what its worth?

Wheres Nort?

Sometimes Nvidias drivers increase performance sometimes not, seems they're on the plus side for a change now! :sol:

After Vista was released it took them some time to get it right! :pfff:

What operating system you running UncleFester?
With AMD's market share deminishing maybe they will try to go in steps, first am2 then am3, to chip away at intels dominance in the markeplace.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.Would mind skipping passed the Phenoms. Allthough it sounds like you've pretty good results with yours.

You are one of the few I've read about to say anything positive towards Vista.Which has made me shy away from taking a step in that in that direction.

Right now I'm running XP SP3. I tagged it onto a SP2 install.SP2 is what I've for the last couple of years.
I think the key to Vista running good is having up to date hardware, if not you're pretty much guaranteed problems, initially my move to Vista is because my spare time hobby, [Not Business], is repairing computers for mostly friends and family, so I had to learn Vista to stay on top of things.

I consider you to be an Old School AMD overclocker, meaning you're more practiced in the OCing FSB and manipulating HT, do you think possibly you can help this guy >

Yah or Nah its up to you, I'm used to helping those OC unlocked multipliers leaving everything stock except the Vcore and raising the multiplier, but you seem more skilled at FSB manipulation.

Anyhow just thought I'd ask, No Offence, you may not even have the time to mess with it. Ryan
I went to that thread and had KS145 give more information.Over clocking with the FSB on the old platform ment you were clocking other components as well.Stll learning this newer stuff.

With my limited knowledge I still haven't figured out a 1/4 of the settings I have in my bios. It's going to take another month of studing before I will be able to play with some of the settings.Then through in AMD Overdrive.
Should be playing with setup for quite sometime.

PS: The reason I joined this forum was to learn from others,and try to help in return (if Ican)

That and this forum was one of the very few where every other tread is not a p!ss!n match.