HELP! DS3 BIOS corrupted, how to re-flash/fix?


Dec 27, 2006
Recently I tried updating my BIOS to version F8 using @BIOS ver. 1.10d, but during the process the status said something like erase error & a message popped up saying "BIOS Write Protection". Not knowing of the danger (how foolish I was), I restarted my PC. To my horror, nothing appears on the screen; everything went blank.

I've tried shorting the jumpers & removing the battery for over 2 hours, with the power cable disconnected. I've also tried removing all HDDs & connecting a floppy drive. I then used a floppy bootdisk to reflash, but the floppy drive's light just flashed constantly & I didn't hear any usual 'click' sound from it. Same goes for the CD drive as only the light flashed a few times, but no sound of its fan spinning. Still, I created a bootdisk from CD-ROM and tried it out, but it was to no avail. :( :( :(

Is my mobo dead or is there anything I can do to fix it? I hope if I send it back to the store, I can get a replacement...& what should I tell them... :?:


Dec 11, 2006
Recently I tried updating my BIOS to version F8 using Q-Flash Utility via Windows but when it reached 100%, it said "BIOS Write Protection". Not knowing of the danger (how foolish I was), I restarted my PC. To my horror, nothing appears on the screen; everything went blank. I've read that bootlock's running & it would require a floppy bootdisk to reflash my BIOS. Unfortunately, I don't have a floppy there a good way to do that using CD-ROM instead? The CD-ROM drive does flash... I'd hate sending it back for RMA cuz it'll take ages, so I'd really appreciate anyone's opinion on how I can fix this by myself. BIG thanks.

By the way, I couldn't seem to find the BIOS chip. Is it soldered something?

Try reseting the bios by shorting two pins near the PCIe slot on the motherboard. (I have DS3 MB. I had to remove my video card to get to them) Use one of those little black "thingys" used to set the hard drive up as master or slave. Keep it shorted for at least thirty seconds or so (with power off, of course). That should load a default bios. re-boot to bios set up and select "safe settings". Go from there.

Note: Always change bios settings to "default" (get rid of any over clock settings) prior to any bios flash upgrade.


Dec 29, 2006
Recently I tried updating my BIOS to version F8 using Q-Flash Utility via Windows but when it reached 100%, it said "BIOS Write Protection". Not knowing of the danger (how foolish I was), I restarted my PC. To my horror, nothing appears on the screen; everything went blank. I've read that bootlock's running & it would require a floppy bootdisk to reflash my BIOS. Unfortunately, I don't have a floppy there a good way to do that using CD-ROM instead? The CD-ROM drive does flash... I'd hate sending it back for RMA cuz it'll take ages, so I'd really appreciate anyone's opinion on how I can fix this by myself. BIG thanks.

By the way, I couldn't seem to find the BIOS chip. Is it soldered something?

Try using the XFlashRecovery CDROM that came iwth the motherbaord. I just upgraded to F9 by downloading hte bios and upading them locally and not from the internet. I also updated them using the @BIOS software and it worked flawlessly. In the future make sure you have no ANTI-VIRUS running or any other programs while doing a bios upgrade. I always read how people have problems updating bios but knock on wood i never had one in over 6 years.


Dec 27, 2006
Try reseting the bios by shorting two pins near the PCIe slot on the motherboard. (I have DS3 MB. I had to remove my video card to get to them) Use one of those little black "thingys" used to set the hard drive up as master or slave. Keep it shorted for at least thirty seconds or so (with power off, of course). That should load a default bios. re-boot to bios set up and select "safe settings". Go from there.

Note: Always change bios settings to "default" (get rid of any over clock settings) prior to any bios flash upgrade.

I've tried shorting the jumpers & removing the battery for over 2 hours, with the power cable disconnected. I've also tried removing HDDs & connecting a floppy drive. I then used a floppy bootdisk to reflash, but the floppy drive's light just flashes constantly & I don't hear any usual 'click' sound from it. Same goes for the CD drive as only the light flashes a few times, but no sound of its fan spinning.

By the way, is it compulsory to set the HDD to master or slave? I think I did that the first time I used the jumper...but then I removed the black thingy.


Dec 27, 2006
Try using the XFlashRecovery CDROM that came iwth the motherbaord. I just upgraded to F9 by downloading hte bios and upading them locally and not from the internet. I also updated them using the @BIOS software and it worked flawlessly. In the future make sure you have no ANTI-VIRUS running or any other programs while doing a bios upgrade. I always read how people have problems updating bios but knock on wood i never had one in over 6 years.

I don't have that CD. The only CD in the box is one that says 'Chipset Utility CD'. I don't think the CD drive works anyway as I don't hear its fan spinning, only the light flashing a few times when booting.

I was running the same utility, @BIOS ver. 1.10d. I thought the latest BIOS is F8.... Maybe your DS3 is revision 2.0, mine is 1.0.

Yeah I haven't had any BIOS problem in over 6 years too..maybe 7...but that doesn't matter. Next time I'll never update from windows again :(


Apr 14, 2006
Go to staples and buy a floppy drive, may cost you 10 bucks? Beats shipping your mobo back and paying 10 bucks in shipping.


Dec 27, 2006
Go to staples and buy a floppy drive, may cost you 10 bucks? Beats shipping your mobo back and paying 10 bucks in shipping.

I did try out a floppy drive and a floppy bootdisk but it didn't work. The floppy drive's light just flashed constantly, & I heard nothing of that usual 'click' sound when it reads a floppy.


Jan 30, 2006
Agreed. Get a floppy and reflash it. Does that mobo have a removable bios chip? You could do a hot swap on another machine with the exact same mobo.

With the operating machine up take out the bios chip. Insert dead one. Flash dead one, remove now live one put back into original computer, re-insert the 2nd bios chip into its original computer. Life is now good. Have done this many times on customers pc's (and atleast twice on mine) Works like a charm.


Dec 27, 2006
Agreed. Get a floppy and reflash it. Does that mobo have a removable bios chip? You could do a hot swap on another machine with the exact same mobo.

With the operating machine up take out the bios chip. Insert dead one. Flash dead one, remove now live one put back into original computer, re-insert the 2nd bios chip into its original computer. Life is now good. Have done this many times on customers pc's (and atleast twice on mine) Works like a charm.

I've thought about hot flashing too, but I just couldn't find the BIOS chip. It would be easy if I found it because I can just send it to a repair store & ask for hot flashing.


Nov 23, 2006
This board does not have a removeable BIOS chip. As to its location, look at your layout picture in the manual. (Page 7 in mine). It is at the lower right corner immediately to the left of the IDE slot.

Several months ago I butchered a BIOS upgrade on another board. Windows crashed during the process and that was the end of it. I had read about this but had never had problems in the past. Prior to flashing I had made a copy with a floppy but it still would not post. Just like in your situation everything was dead. I finally bought a new board because the cost of getting a new chip and hassling with installing it just wasn't worth it. You apparently need a special tool to take the chip out or else you have to mess around with a knife or small flathead screwdriver. I had visions of slipping and gouging out half the board. :D


I have the GA-965P-DS3 (rev. 1.0) and i was in F6 or F7 bios update, and i had a problem that DVD-RW
was recognized as SCSI and for make it to work i had to change manual from device manager to ATA.
Last days i saw in site of GIGABYTE that bios is at F9 (i had updated other drivers chips etc without nothing)
and i decided to update the bios to F9 by the @BIOS.
I run the program, it downloaded BUT WITH TOO MUCH DELAY ~3-4 MINUTES (ADSL-1024),
then updated and when it finished told me that evetything is ok and and ask me to press ok for restart,
but it failed to reboot.
I had to made a print screen with the ''bios ok restart'' to believe me.
The computer turns on but nothing happens, and the MONITOR and FLOPPY don't turn on.
The DVD-RW and the HARDDISK turn the light on for a while and then nothing.
I am possitive, it was not possible to choose an another model because there was only one choice.
Why the update told me ''everythig ok, click for restart'' and then chaos.

It was not the first time for me, and i have experiance about 8 years with floppy or @bios
(previous mobo updated was first the reffered and then ga-6bxc,ga-8i915p-d pro etc).
I returned the mobo to shop, but i am too apsent becasuse they told me,
that may be there isn't warranty for update bios.

I can't understand how the following:
1. Virtual Dual BIOS (BIOS crash free protection with physical BIOS and Xpress BIOS Rescue)
2. BIOS Settings Recovery (Recoverable Safe and frequently used CMOS settings)
are working or they don't working at all, and dont protect me.
In the manual or in the site there isn't any reference?
Maybe this is invisible, automatic, factory adjustment?

First i am waiting news from shop but i hope to be with me for warranty and RMA,
or maybe hapens anything else (ICH8) or there is a posibility if the problem consist in the
bios to reprogram with special tools.

Today i did a check up with download manager from site of gigabyte and the results are the follwing:
asia average speed 4 kb/sec with some times 0 kb and 2 attemps
asia (china) ---//---
america 32 kb/sec
europe 13 kb/sec
I dowloaded the ''@bios'' from
with speed 2.97 kb with some times 0 kb and 5 attemps

Please whats your opinion about all of them?
How do I fix this?
Is there warranty?


May 14, 2006
i faced the same problem with gigabyte 955 royal motherboard

i updated using @bios and it gave me a message Flash Succsfull please reboot .....

after rebooting gave me a black screen and thats it .... DEAD

i tried everything CLR_CMOS jumber and removing the battery

nothing happens .... :(

i took it to Gigabyte Dealer and i didnt mention anything about bios update i just told him it was saturday morning when i tried to switch it on it didnt start .... i want to RMA ! and he gave me another one within 3 days !!

and when i got the new one and after 2 weeks i tried to flash it loool

and its DEAD

i did the RMA again and took another one and tried @Bios Again and its DEAD

Believe it or not i changed 7 gigabyte motherboards just because of the @bios thing failing without a reason !!!

Its not my problem they have to learn how to build good Bios flasher :twisted:


As i saw in news :
Telecommunications across Asia have been severely disrupted because of damage to undersea cables caused by Tuesday's earthquake near Taiwan.
Banks and businesses in Taiwan, South Korea, China and Japan reported telephone and internet problems.
I think that was the problem with @bios.
So beware the update with internet and only use update with flopy.


Jan 21, 2007
just updated my 965P-DS3 (rev 1.0) bios with gigabyte's bios live update utility, the software bios version F10 for me, F10 was the only option so i tried update it, the whole process was good n fast then the system showed me "bios update ok, restart". wow, that's when the big problem comes, my pc can't boot. we should have another new thread with title "GIGABYTE AUTO BIOS UPDATE KILLED MY BOARD". so is there anyway that i can fix my board, easily, fast, n done by myself?

* this little bastard gigabyte bios killed my weekend too!


You have right, i had exactly the same results.
The @bios needs repair.
Until this repair will be done, we have to update with old clasic mode by floppy (i didn't hear anything problem with it, and i hope to be good).
You can't do anything to fix it, ask for replacement.
I don't understand, why with a lot of problems with bios update they continue to sold the chip of bios in the board, and don't use a base for
quick replacement (after sending a new one by mail) and repair.


Oct 9, 2006
I've just updated to F10 after promising myself that I wouldnt bother updating but since I read some of the nice things they did with the F10 I went ahead using QFlash.

BIOS Update:
1. . Enhance FSB frequency flexibility
2. Fix OC for Allendale CPUs
3. -Micron D9 1000 MHz 4-4-4-12 2.2V
-Micron D9 1100 MHz 5-5-5-15 2.3V
-Micron D9 1200 MHz 5-8-8-20 2.35V
4. Fix some issues occuring with cold start-ups
5. Fix Vdrop in C1E Function
6. New Feature: ´High Speed DRAM DLL Setting´
7. Intel® HPET Support
8. FSB 1333 MHz support (Auto as Rev.3.3)
9. JMicron ROM update
10. BIOS with fail-safe profile
11. Q-Flash BIOS can be updated through USB Sticks

Write the .f10 file to floppy, boot into your bios using DEL and select QFlash, write the .f10 file with the menu and then restart.
Anyways, after flashing you HAVE to reset the BIOS by removing the power lead, remove the battery and then short the two pins out next to the battery. Reverse the process and all done, except for going back in the BIOS of course and disabling all those naff features you dont want nor need ;)

If you dont reset it, your PC will just sit there trying to restart all the time, powering up, and then about 3 seconds later powering down again.

Good news is that once you have the F10 on there (according to the release notes above) you can use a USB mem stick next time! Hate damn floppies.


you have right to update, and this was my opinion for a lot of years.
but after the last sock sorry but i am afraid too much.
today i replaced the mobo (rma) and my childreen are looking me, and tell me, please don't tuch anything.
we lost two weekend .
so first we need some relax for a few weeks and maybe i will waiting for bios f11 or f12.

i did all about the battery and clear cmos without good result (after @bios).
thank a lot


Oct 16, 2004
you have right to update, and this was my opinion for a lot of years.
Exactly, I've been doing it for 10 years updating ppls computers, put together and always updated the bios about 12-15 times for family and friends and now :twisted:
Shazbot, went to update a DS3 from f9 to f10 last Thursday all the servers took ages to respond. U.S site had f7 no thanks, 2nd Tawain server no reply, 1st Tawain server long pause f10 yay yes it said ds3, backup, flash, reboot, nooooo :evil: , now trying to RMA it, gulp, wish me luck.

Edit: woot, getting a replacement. Guess once the BIOS is screwed even suppliers can't even reflash it/test to see if it's an incorrect bios. I think I need my Dual Bios back, I won't be touching my replacement board for a while, that's for sure.


as i said previous they replaced mobo (rma) and my childreen are looking me, and tell me, please don't tuch anything.
we lost two weekend .
so first we need some relax for a few weeks and maybe i will waiting for bios f11 or f12.
please tell me, your bios update was with @bios methode or no, because
next time i will this with q-flash methode.
good luck with rma.


Dec 29, 2006
I have updated my ds3 bios about 7 or 8 times so far switching from F7 to F10 and so on. I never used the online update because i did fear that something like this would happen and it did happen to people. I always downloaded the bios and than installed it using the @BISO utility and i havent had a problem yet (knock on wood). So i would recommend that you awlays download the bios and install them from the hard drive instead of online.


Feb 17, 2007
i did the same thing...updated to F10 bios through @BIOS software and also, i had to choose F10 as there's no other option...
but dang... my PC can't boot after's only 2 days old for goodness sake...

i returned the board now for warranty claim and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i'll get my board back fixed...

first time i'm using gigabyte board and it's kinda pretty scary experience for me... there's no warning whatsoever so i rebooted...
they should implement some checksum thing for us to confirm that the bios flash is ok and not corrupted...


Feb 17, 2007
as i said previous they replaced mobo (rma) and my childreen are looking me, and tell me, please don't tuch anything.
we lost two weekend .
so first we need some relax for a few weeks and maybe i will waiting for bios f11 or f12.
please tell me, your bios update was with @bios methode or no, because
next time i will this with q-flash methode.
good luck with rma.

I have the S3 motherboard and have experienced the same @Bios error in the original message by mfizal. Now my computer won't start either. From reading this thread it looks like I should be RMAing this board... I should be doing this through Gigabyte right? I purchased the mobo from less than a month ago.


Jan 27, 2007
So i take it there's no cure for the @bios b###S##t i sent gigabyte quite a sour email and emailed the supplier too. I just give em a ring in a few hours and get em to send a replacement out. Pain in the ass to take it all apart again though... :( :( :(