Question Help me get this idea out of my head. AIO Cooler Pump Connection To SATA


Oct 31, 2011
I need help correcting a possibly mistaken belief about AIO pump connections. For the past 5-10 years, I've been connecting my AIO pump (the part that sits on the CPU) to a constant 12V power adapter, believing the pump should always run at 100% speed.

However, I'm now questioning this setup. Modern motherboards have dedicated headers like CPU_FAN, OPT, and PUMP - should I be using these instead? Where did I get the idea about needing constant 12V power, and have I been doing this wrong all along?

Image link of adapter:

If motherboard has AIO_PUMP header. Doesnt it just run at 100% anyways? I thought the only variable speed is the 2 or 3 fans on the radiator?

Can someone help clarify the correct way to connect an AIO pump? Thanks!
Long as 100% pump speed / rpm doesn't bother you as in noise then leave it like that. Pump header on mobo, you have a choice to set it lower rpm or variable curve. For Aio pump longevity is better to leave it at a constant speed. So no problem with how you've been going about it.
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