Help please! AMD64/AMDFX/INTEL


Dec 15, 2005
Hi guys..

I need some advise.
I am currently using two systems.
1) My laptop: Toshiba Centrino 1.3Ghz/512MB RAM.
2) My desktop Celeron D: 2.66Ghz/ 1GB RAM

I am running Matlab for a simulation. And it has lot of "for" loops. I know its not efficient but I dont have a way around and use matrices.
Anyway my problem is when I start Matlab,even before I run my simulation, both systems gets slow. And my laptop actually gives me the error in Matlab, "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" error when I run the simulation for number of times. I heard Matlab is not very efficient in memory management.
If I had to switch to a another window, say IE or WORD, it stalls and takes about 10 secs. I think this needs quite good memory system.
Guys I'm planning to go for a newer system.

I have AMD64 and Intel 3.2G in my mind. But i read many reviews that AMD64 is superier.
I will be running at most Matlab, A file sharing app. (Bearshare), MSN messenger and somethin like WORD. I want these to run without stalling. I mean I dont want to wait 10 seconds to switch to another window.

Is AMD64 a good choise? What kind of effect does L2 cache has? Intel I get 2MB, but most AMD64 are 512KB. Will this make a big differene?

Also what about the dual-core? I heard Intel D is not very good as they have rushed the "D" to the market soon. Is AMDFX preffered over AMD64 if I can afford the extra bucks?
Has the dual-core technology matured enough for us to go for it?

Please help me choose a system. I think I need good memory handling. Is AMD's CPU-integrated memory handling give me a good edge?

So overall give me some suggestions between AMD64 (512/1M L2) and Intel 3.2G and also if going for AMDFX is better (or Intel D)?

Thank you very much guys.

Best regards,
Honestly, intel has nothing on AMD. I have an AMD Athlon64 3000+ with 1gig corsair and it rocks.
games: no problem
Video editing: I wish I had a 4400+ X2 or a 4800+ X2.
Normal computer stuff: in its sleep.

if your looking at a dual core processor AMD's are cooler faster and less downfall on games, and who doesn't whant to play games on their computer.
the FX are for gaming if your not a hardcore gamer don't waist The money. either get a 3700+ or a 4000+ San Diego.

you will not be dissapointed.
You need fast cache, and ram, as well as IPC. Any of the A64s will give much better results than the systems you have now. Look at getting 2, 1gig memory modules. It will be worth the extra expense.
Thanks for the suggestions guys..
AMD64 it is!
Any suggestions for motherboards?
Seems Gigabyte has some cool features.. And also about fast cache? What can I do about that?

Thanks a lot guys..

cache is built onto the cpu, for matlab, i would get a dual core, but a64s do just fine. (but if you want to do dual core, look into a64 x2 or opterons). as far as motherboards go, a64s don't really matter, for good balance of good overlcocking and easy installing/good UI go for abit, for more functions go for DFI
I will be running at most Matlab, A file sharing app.
MSN messenger and
somethin like WORD.

I want these to run without stalling.

I mean I dont want to wait 10 seconds to switch to another window.

Madu; well... from your limited specification above there are lots of possible soloutions which will address your "requirements."

The real questions are things like:

How many concurent users will be using your file sharing app and what kind of response are you expecting to be able to provide?

How many and how large are the documents you intend on editing / creating at the same time while your filesharing system is up with it's users?

How many concurent chat sessions are you intending to have using the MSN messenger and are you intending to send and receive files with other users while everything else is going on?

And Finally, HOW MUCH $$$$ Do you want / expect to spend on this system?

From the limited specification, there's nothing there that appears to be "CPU" intensive, or video FPS intensive.

That being said, it's not likely using a "Dual Core" CPU will really buy you much in the way of performance, and SLI systems are likely not to be of much benefit.

What may be constrained is your Memory and your Bandwidth and your file I/O access.... presuming all your I/O to the file-sharing system is restricted to a single HDD.

So.. those are the things I'd suggest you look at... now.. If I've mis-understood your "Requirements" then we should start again from "Square one".

Hope this helps