Hiding Removable Drives under a RAID 0 configuration


Feb 16, 2006
I have two 250 Gb SATA hard drives that are set up to be one drive in XP [/b]using a RAID 0 configuration. The only thing is that the underlying Maxtor drives show up as removable devices in the Windows XP tray and I'd rather they didn't. Is there a way of making them not appear as removable devices here? I'm afraid to see what will happen if I actually click on one of them...
What I was told about this is, because your sata drives are hot swappable they show up in your tray.

If there is a work around for this I don't know.
You'd have to find a registry hack I believe that would hide the drives in the system tray.

You can search google for something like: hot swap hide icons system tray windows xp