Jul 4, 2024
Hi, a few months ago I purchased the parts for a home server. While putting it all together I ran into a roadblock and haven't made much progress since. I cannot get it to post, nor can I figure out why. I'm not getting any beep codes, and there is seemingly no information from the motherboard (i.e. lights) telling me what is wrong either. I was unable to get any kind of signal from it until earlier today when I removed the GPU and attempted to post via the VGA on the motherboard. I got a message on the monitor, "please wait for chipset initialize." It will not post further than that, I cannot access BIOS and I cannot figure out why. The component list is as follows:


Motherboard - Gigabyte MZ73-LM0 Rev.2

PSU - EVGA Supernova 1600 P2 80 PLUS PLATINUM


I get absolutely no signal when plugged into either of the display ports on the GPU but I get the aforementioned message when connected to the VGA of the motherboard when the GPU is removed. The fans spin on the case and the AIO cooler I am using (a Silverstone, don't know the model off the top of my head). There is a series of green lights on the motherboard but no information as to what they represent. Two of the lights are labeled BMC, BMCCPU and PWR_BMC. The BMCCPU light remains constant and green and the PWR_BMC blinks steadily. From what I can tell this means that it is ready for BMC connection but I am not using one. Those are the only lights that are labelled and they are seemingly not relevant to my issues. I have tried posting with and without RAM, never more than two sticks in a dual-channel format. The machine will not give any message without RAM installed and with one stick it displays the "chipset initialize" message. That message will remain for as long as I leave it powered on but it will not progress further. I have DDR5 memory, a compatible processor, and yet I cannot seem to get anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm really not sure what to do about it. I'm not new to computer building but I am to the world of servers and it has been a while since I've built anything anyways. I'm not sure if there is a glaring oversight in my process so far or if the issue is far more complicated, but any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. I am really struggling to find anything online that is relevant to the issues I'm experiencing, and any help would be great.

Thanks, a very confused techie


I'm unable to get a post for my home server build, not sure the issue and very limited info online. Any help is appreciated.