How many watts would i need?


Dec 27, 2012
im building a new gaming PC and want to know how much watt would i need, im planning on buying a
Cooler Master GX 650W PSU. and i would use it on 2 gpu ASUS GeForce GTX 660 2GB PhysX CUDA , would a 650w enough or should i look for a much higher PSU watt?

Hi 650w is more than enough, 500 - 550w of a quality psu would be enough.

However, the psu you selected is of poor quality.

GX-650 650 Failed efficiency rating. Failed load testing. Medicore voltage regulation. Poor DC output quality on 3.3V rails. Outdated design. Hard OCP

hi , thank for the quick reply so i decided to look for another psu with a decent price and this is what i found

Silver Power SP-SS500 500W PSU but im not sure if it can run SLI or Crossfire

and if you have any PSU in mind that can run SLI or Crossfire i would highly appreciate it

Where are you looking for your PSU's? Are these from a store or online (and what country)?

Reason I am asking is because I couldn't even find that brand of PSU on

I would instead look at PSU from a more recognizable company. Also, what is your budget? Try searching for a PSU that is at least "80 PLUS" rated, but preferably at least "80 PLUS Bronze". There are a few (bronze ones) on for $68-$80 before any rebates, taxes, or shipping is applied.

Hi again - tot sys power draw with two 660's will run about 440w, so I would say
550w would be the min & you might want to go a little higher, maybe even the 650w
you mentioned earlier except a decent brand.

what's your budget? need to know so I can recommend

don't know your budget but these are quality units: