How much to ask for EVGA GTX 465


Aug 25, 2011
I'm usually never one to sell computer parts off, but since I am in the process of upgrading cards, I thought i might want to try and offset the cost my selling my old card. I have an EVGA GTX 465 that has very little use, and was wondering what a fair price to ask would be. I've poked around ebay and seen alot of GTX 465's go from 140-180 which shocks me as high for an older card. I don't want to insult anyone when I put it in the classifieds so I figured that I'd ask here before doing so...
When the market tells you 140-180 then stay on that range, if you need money so badly then you can sell it cheap, or if you are patient then you can go as high as you want as long as you describe the detail of your card...
Normally, people tends to like low price... 😀
Just make sure you have a spare handy. What price that card still being in the cupboard if your new one dies on you half way through a really good game ?
Personally I keep the old card and sell off the one before or what's more usual is end up donating it to a family members build.
My last three systems have gone this way and each time i fully intend to sell them off either as a unit or in parts :lol:

Mactronix :)
I am an eBay buyer and seller. When you first make your account with eBay and paypal you can list items for sell for free but still pay a small fee when they sell. Shipping to Europe can be a pain though and lie about how much the item is worth so buyer doesn't have to pay much in taxes. Eastern Europe is pricey and the rest of Europe isn't that more expensive than shipping with in the US.
The card is still worth that price pretty much because the performance is on par still with a 560-560 Ti, especially if you look at the spec sheets on Nvidia, and I say all that generally. Reason being IMO that it's lower in price though is just because people of course wouldn't want to pay the same price as those newer cards because it is a last generation card and they're always gonna assume because it's used it should be relatively cheap, plus ambient temps have proven to be much better on 5 series cards than 4's. Looking at a 560 1GB its around $50-60 more than what you'd sell it for at $130-140's so asking for that much isn't unreasonable.
I've tried to bid for computer parts on eBay and keep getting blasted by BOTS
Amazon sucks too! It's like wading thru a garage sale in there. If I need a reference on something, I hit the Newegg button and can find most of anything computer I might want plus you have the reviews. Then there's always Google.

The GTX 465 is very slightly weaker than a GTX 460 while using significantly more power/giving off more heat. The GTX 560/560 Ti are on a different performance level that isn't comparable.
imsurgical wrote :

The card is still worth that price pretty much because the performance is on par still with a 560-560 Ti

The GTX 465 is very slightly weaker than a GTX 460 while using significantly more power/giving off more heat. The GTX 560/560 Ti are on a different performance level that isn't comparable.

Explain the difference between the 560 and the 460, other than the 560 has a GF114 chip which is 10 numbers higher than a GF 104 chip. Same number of cores. Maybe a bit of lower power draw on the 560's, but REALLY? Is it worth the price spread?
Show Me The Performance difference!
Read late posts on 560 chips, Bad. I've had a 460 for over a year and have 'clocked it w/o problems.
Beside that. playing WoW is hardly a factor in intense GPU usage.
Just because it has a Bigger number doesn't make it better...
The GTX 560 is a respin of the GTX 460 GPU with higher stock clock speeds. 135mhz higher on the core, 100mhz higher on the memory. Beyond pumped up reference speeds the improvements from the respin help with power/heat and generally greater top speed on an OC. The GTX 560 Ti has another 48 shaders more than either the GTX 460 or 560.