The ONLY people this impacts are those with older systems (like mine) and GHIN Syndrome (not me).
Off-topic: what is GHIN syndrome? I googled it, and the first five results were about "Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)", which appears to be a muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system.
The remaining results are even worse, including a "fetal alcohol syndrome" also known as "gin epidemic", something cancer related called "Schinzel-Giedion syndrome", and something about the HIN-200 gene family and HIN-200 proteins.
I feel like you're referring to some sort of psychological or sociological problem, rather than a cerebral, genetic, or developmental defect.
EDIT: Ironically, it seems that Bing is giving me slightly more relevant results.
The first one being a link to this very forum thread, then a "Ghinn score" related to a card game called "Ghin games", some sort of kidney disease, and the "Golf Handicap and Information Network (GHIN)".
I don't think you meant card games or golf either, though...
I just realized it could mean: "Gotta Have It Now". Did I guess correctly?