How to tell if memory is PC-100?



I have a friend with an Abit BH-6 motherboard running a celeron 333 at stock speed. We have come accross a used celeron 300A that runs stable at 450 O/C. The only concern we have is that the current memory may not be PC-100, which means we would not be able to run the celeron 300A @ 4.5*100 fsb. Are there any utility programs which will determine the ram type/fsb rating?
Thanks in advance!


Take out the ram and look at the chip(s) for a certain number possibly with a T beside it. The number must be the following 10 or 8 or 7.5 or 7.

T means TIME and is in nanoseconds, read the basic knowledge post a week ago to convert nanosecond to MHz.

Then also look for another number either 2 or 3 usually place next to a group of numberS. They signify CAS latency of 2 or 3.

2 has less latency which is faster than 3.

It doesn't matter what ram speed you have, computers are quit smart, they will know and run FSB separately to ram speed.

Actually in BIOS if you set ram speed to "By SPD" then it will do it by itself, or else, if your BIOS has enough features then you can manually set FSB and ram speed individually.

Good Luck :)

Best regards
cx5<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by fcchin on 12/07/00 09:31 AM.</EM></FONT></P>