How to transfer files from laptop PC to desktop PC


Dec 30, 2012
I put this thread under the "Networking" category, but perhaps I've been misguided and it doesn't belong here.

So I have a laptop PC with WiFi, so I download a bunch of stuff on here. Then I have my beast/monster desktop gaming PC with a kick-ass geforce gtx 650 Ti, and an i7 processor, etc etc.... The thing it DOESN'T have is WiFi, or any internet capabilities at all (until I get a WiFi card in it or something).

I have some 4 GB movies in my laptop, and so far what I been doing to transfer those movies to my desktop PC is saving it in a USB memory stick from my laptop, then taking the memory stick to the desktop PC and saving it there. IT TAKES A LOOOOOOONG TIME.

Is there a more efficient way? I have regular Ethernet cables, would that help? What do I need to do to transfer files from my laptop to my desktop PC more efficiently and fast?

edit: My laptop PC is windows 7, and my desktop PC is windows 8, might be important to determine an answer for this.
Just connect the two with an Ethernet cable (since one must have a gigabit adapter a regular cable is fine) and create an ad hoc network, i.e. one without a router or switch. Give one machine an address of and the other Enable file sharing with sufficient security permissions and copy them over.

Hey thanks for your answer. My son is hogging the desktop PC right now... playing skyrim... he's probably going to be playing it all day, and I won't have a chance to try that 'til tomorrow when he goes to school.

I don't really play games too much, it's just for my son. I'm gonna try downloading assassins creed III here on my laptop and transferring it to the desktop PC the way you told me.
I'll update you when I try that solution out, thanks a lot for taking your time to help me out.
Oh, well then there is one more thing you can do. Once you have them attached, you can go into your wireless adapter and enable ICS (Internet connection sharing) and then directly download it to his machine.

And don't buy a wireless card for him, just get a wireless USB adapter. I use a lot of the TP-Link TL-WN722N and it is very reliable and a simple plug and play install.

Wow that was a lot easier that ICS stuff. So basically I'm just sharing the internet connection with his computer. I got that to work, thanks a lot!

PS. Is the connection speed the same? Or does it get slower on his computer? I'm downloading mortal kombat for the dolphin wii emulator for him (4.4 GB), and its downloading at 200 kB/s, maybe because of the seeds, but I usually download at 1 MB/s on my laptop.