Question how to undervolt a gtx 980 reference card?


Jan 11, 2018
i wanna know if theres a way to undervolt this card to keep the wattage usage lower.
i was planning to use msi afterburning but when i tried to do ctrl+F it doesnt show the custom curve for the voltage
perhaps someone can help me out with this.
Did you enable voltage control in afterburners settings? Its disabled by default. I believe you can tweak the voltage a bit on maxwell cards. Setting a power limit would probably be the more practical way to limit the amount of power the card draws however.
Did you enable voltage control in afterburners settings? Its disabled by default. I believe you can tweak the voltage a bit on maxwell cards. Setting a power limit would probably be the more practical way to limit the amount of power the card draws however.
I enabled it idk if it's the same as core voltage for voltage control? Sadly with Maxwell cards I the curve customization as you can with 1000 cards edition , I have unlocked core voltage and power limit now I wanna know if this is what I need and how to use it properly without losing much performance but saving energy consumption and if performance is gonna be lost I don't mind a few fps.
Thanks for the assistance