How to Use Our Comments, and Not Get Banned

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[citation][nom]tuannguyen[/nom]Thanks for the compliment on how the article was written, but, "nazi-like" ? C'mon, I am saying we're going to remove comments with racism, hate, and insults and stuff like that. I think the Nazi's WERE racists.If you're going to label this as something outrageous, please, do it right.I've seen one or two other posts here that call this "Nazi." People need to wake up. The are RULES EVERYWHERE. Nothing on TH says it's FREE ZONE to blast up other people and say anything your heart desires.Do you know what the "Nazis" did? You think what we're doing is on that scale and mentality? So by that definition, anything with "control" instituted is "Nazi-like." Sorry to break it to you but, rules and controls exist everywhere to keep things moving along nicely. It's not something I just made up because someone ticked me off. It's something that should have been done since comments were made available.[/citation]

I'll address this now. You took my comment way too seriously. I was basically saying don't rule with fear or a heavy hand. Nazi-like means CONTROL. Its one thing to have set law and follow through with consequence, its another to abuse that power. I'm simply trying to be sure you don't overstep your bounds, because to do so loses readers and creates dislike of your website and anarchy. To rule without forgiveness is to dictate. A good leader must be strong, but also forgiving. Instant permanant bans don't train or offer second chances to get it right. We must learn from our mistakes, but not pay for them forever. The prison system should be (and somewhat is) case by case (first offenses are less strict punishment). I'm simply making sure that just because you're "fed" up you're not taking the opposite extreme as governments often tend to do. :) I like you Tuan, you're an ok dood.
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]I agree. People these days lacked fathers, and therefore often lack discipline. We all need to learn and practice the following words:RESPECT, INTEGRITY, HONORThe golden rule was a part of our culture, taught in church. I'm not one for religion, heck I'm atheist - but I do believe in treating others how you want to be treated. Nobody likes being pre-judged, nobody likes to be publicly humiliated, etc. If we could just learn to respect each other and have honor.I'm not huge on government, especially these days but I happen to be in the Air National Guard (Air Force).Our core values are as follows, and its something we should all try to take into our personal lives. The world would be a better place.Integrity firstService before selfExcellence in all we do[/citation]

Couldn't have said it better myself.
[citation][nom]Herbert_HA[/nom]The problem, Tuan, is that the people who use words like "nazi", "communist", "socialist", "capitalist" and the likes don't even know what they mean. If they did, they wouldn't use them so lightly.[/citation]

I've had German friends most of my life. I knew Peter and Alfrieda Dyck as a child...(Authors, WW2 survivors who helped refugees escape). I've studied WW2 plenty, and been to the Holocaust museum in D.C. I'd like to go to Europe someday and see the places for myself. No, I'm not unaware. I was using a strong word to make a point, but thanks for attempting to call me out. That's another problem on forums. Everyone trying to appear smart and "better". We don't need to do it all the time, its childish.
Thanks Tuan. Your article/post was self explanatory. You could have rightly denied us a reader comment on this one but its good that you're open to feedback. It seems like I've read this before, or like you reiterate it about once a year for new readers. Am I right on that?
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]I'll address this now. You took my comment way too seriously. I was basically saying don't rule with fear or a heavy hand. Nazi-like means CONTROL. Its one thing to have set law and follow through with consequence, its another to abuse that power. I'm simply trying to be sure you don't overstep your bounds, because to do so loses readers and creates dislike of your website and anarchy. To rule without forgiveness is to dictate. A good leader must be strong, but also forgiving. Instant permanant bans don't train or offer second chances to get it right. We must learn from our mistakes, but not pay for them forever. The prison system should be (and somewhat is) case by case (first offenses are less strict punishment). I'm simply making sure that just because you're "fed" up you're not taking the opposite extreme as governments often tend to do. I like you Tuan, you're an ok dood.[/citation]

Actually I have to correct you on "Nazi" meaning Control. They exhibited control, but they were much, much more about other things. You're right, that I should display some form of forgiveness, but hear me out for a second:

I haven't banned anyone here for 2 years. I've read most comments and let them pass, bad or not, until yesterday. Isn't that forgiving enough? For 2 years of "I hope the community can clean itself up." Heck, sometimes I even sent a notice to a moderator when I saw something that should be moderated. I avoided having to step in. It didn't work.

So now when push comes to shove, the people who stepped way out of line, have just made the comments a lot more moderated than they once were.

If all people were good, we wouldn't need a lot of the things we need in this world. We wouldn't need to lock our doors when we leave home. And even though most of us live in safe neighborhoods where no one would ever attempt to break into your house, the reality is we have to lock our doors because we know, that out of the bunch of good people, there's always a few who just have to make things extra difficult for everyone.
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]Thanks Tuan. Your article/post was self explanatory. You could have rightly denied us a reader comment on this one but its good that you're open to feedback. It seems like I've read this before, or like you reiterate it about once a year for new readers. Am I right on that?[/citation]

I wrote another type of "be nice" article before, which had nothing about comment moderations. It was just a request, a plea if you will, to commenters to keep their bad comments to themselves.

Clearly, my request at the time, went on ignored by many. So you see? I gave many chances already. Remember how people bashed me in some of my articles? I let them all slide didn't I? I'm more forgiving than you think.

Unfortunately, comments still dengerated and went to rock bottom status for a site like Tom's Hardware (this isn't a celebrity gossip trash talk forum). So now I have to take action.
[citation][nom]tuannguyen[/nom]You know, I completely understand what you're saying, but it doesn't excuse people from acting like jerks.Here's a theory from Penny Arcade:[/citation]
Hey, I posted that earlier. you're stealing my mojo! 😉

8 pages of comments, I think it's a record. It really is a hot thread.

That's a good point and a good question to ask now. Can stealing someone else's mojo bet you banned? Can TH make movo thievery an offense punishable by being banned for at least 30 minutes, like fragging a teammate in Cod4?
[citation][nom]HundredIslandsBoy[/nom]That's a good point and a good question to ask now. Can stealing someone else's mojo bet you banned? Can TH make movo thievery an offense punishable by being banned for at least 30 minutes, like fragging a teammate in Cod4?[/citation]

lol. It was actually copied and pasted to me in a Skype chat by a friend. I didn't see the original URL by zak in the comments originally.
[citation][nom]peacock[/nom]Wait, so what your logic is saying, is that becuase Tom's has an open door to their house so that anyone can come in and play, they should also let people decide their own rules while they're in Tom's house? Great logic.And people insulting and being rude, actually have nothing to do with Apple. It simply has everything to do with not having class, control, character, and common courtesy. Simple as that buddy."I would rather have trolls and spammers."Sure you would buddy. I would rather have criminals and murderers roam the streets than to have cops patrol the community. I'd hate to be pulled over for doing something offensive, boo hoo. Oh wait, communities, like towns and cities, ARE controlled! Would you imagine that![/citation]

Before we go down, we the people elect the government that makes laws, that are enforced by people who are selected from within us. the situation at toms is where tom decides who comments are welcome and whose not. so your analogy of murderers and criminals being equated to trolls and spammers is nonsense. because in society we are indirectly the creators of law and in toms world tom is.

from now on this site will basically show us what tom feel's like. i dont care what tom's opinion on things is. i just want facts and public opinion. if that opinion is polluted, thats for me to deal with. might as well call this tom's blog from now onwards because that is what it has degenerated into.
Did you guys run this by Legal? This policy carries with it a whole lot of liability... Interesting approach.
[citation][nom]Huh bucking the trend[/nom]Did you guys run this by Legal? This policy carries with it a whole lot of liability... Interesting approach.[/citation]

Why would we need to run anything by legal? We reserve the right to allow who gets to post. Simple.

Simply: be nice, or you're not welcomed. It's really not difficult.
[citation][nom]FANAT1C[/nom]Before we go down, we the people elect the government that makes laws, that are enforced by people who are selected from within us. the situation at toms is where tom decides who comments are welcome and whose not. so your analogy of murderers and criminals being equated to trolls and spammers is nonsense. because in society we are indirectly the creators of law and in toms world tom is. from now on this site will basically show us what tom feel's like. i dont care what tom's opinion on things is. i just want facts and public opinion. if that opinion is polluted, thats for me to deal with. might as well call this tom's blog from now onwards because that is what it has degenerated into.[/citation]

So you don't care what Tom's opinion on things is but you care what the public says? Did you see 95% of the comments here are in favor of this? What say you to that?

So the majority here want calm, intelligent and nice comments, you're somehow opposed to that? Give me a freaken break. You and the handful of others here who ende up getting voted down, act like it's some bent over hardship of a thing to be nice. That's all the site's asking for and you're like oh my freaken goodness NOOO. So you don't like the way they handle the comments so you say that you're going to leave, but at the same time said you want facts? Way to countered your own argument. They're still presenting facts, they're just pruning the comments so the site looks more professional.

I, like the majority here, want public opinion too--not public trash talk and back and forth insults to each other.
[citation][nom]GutPunch[/nom]Congrats on your social high horse. Well the majority used to think that blacks were inferior to whites. We should definately continue that trend right?ANY censorship is a violation of free speech. The fear of being censored/deleted/banned causes "good people" (ie: people who are interested in the subject matter) to not speak their mind freely. Do you enjoy hanging out with people who don't tell you what they really think? Do you enjoy having to be PC with your friends? I certainly don't because I want to see your true impressions on a subject. Lets not get into la-la land and make the assumption that is People here are not trying to be jerks intentionally but they do have opinions on subjects.And lastly, lets not fool ourselves here. This is the internet - not your local corner market. You can go to any number of sites to get information and opinion. Flashing some new draconian policy based off rules which are "based on the situation" (as pointed out by Tuan) will lead to accusations of bias. Granted, Tom's ownes the site. So people, like me, will start going elsewhere to get the unfiltered opinions of other people. Additionally, the structure of the internet prevents you from truly banning people. There are just so many ways to get around web browser based authentication that you are simply inconveniencing people who wish to cause trouble (ex: DRM).So be an adult - if you don't like what you see on the TV or the radio, turn the channel. If you don't like the comments or you fear you might see something that hurts your feelings then don't look at the comments and stick to the articles.[/citation]

Your argument is flawed. There's no discrimination between race, color, gender in the rules. It's simply stated. Draconian? Show me where in the article I wrote anything remotely draconian? Your attempt to draw a comparison to the "the majority used to think that blacks were inferior to whites" is at best, nonsense. Did those "majority" at the time base their thinking on being nice? No? Then why are you asserting that the rules here are of the same nature?

How many times do I have to sum up the article in simple terms? Be nice, no delete/ban.

You want infiltered comment fest? Hit up 4chan. This site isn't a forum to rage on other people. That's the rule.
About time, thanks! The sheer volume of racist, homophobic and down-right scary comments made by some led me to actually review your Terms of Use and found that there were plenty of "contributing members" who were outright violating the Rules of Conduct. It's really nice to see that it will finally be monitored. Those who get annoyed with this are the violator anyways, and simply put - they can go to another site if they just want to be rude and disrespectful. Yes, this site has plenty of users from all walks of life, and there's just no excuse for hate here. Great job!
And also, how about renaming the "spy" badge to something a little more positive - I don't think that whenever someone alerts a moderator regarding an inappropriate comment, that they should be labeled a spy. Not to take this too far, or make it sound pretentious, but technically it's all our responsibility to keep this site clean, open and objective and so whenever we help, we shouldn't be viewed as "spies". Just makes us sound sneaky.
ANY censorship is a violation of free speech.
It is not a violation of free speech because you gave up that right by agreeing to the Terms of Use. Maybe you should be more careful about what you do on the Internet.

So be an adult - if you don't like what you see on the TV or the radio, turn the channel.
TV and radio are both regulated. That is nothing different to what is happening here.
[citation][nom]The-Darkening[/nom]Comments like "I LOVE YOU JANEEEEEEEE" are of good interest or are they permaban?I just what to know how to express my feelings in an adequate manner[/citation]

I guess those are allowed... Just make sure you throw some in for Marcus, Kevin and Tuan! Men need love too and there's only about 11 women reading the site. 😛
[citation][nom]JMcEntegart[/nom]I guess those are allowed... Just make sure you throw some in for Marcus, Kevin and Tuan! Men need love too and there's only about 11 women reading the site.[/citation]
You know, I've never actually thought about it before, but how many women visit this site? You should do a survey.
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