Question HP Spectre 13 Backlit not working anymore.


Nov 6, 2013
Hi there guys,

Issue: Backlit on the keyboard not working.

Model : 13-af010ca

Specs: i7 - 8550, 8gb RAM, 256GB SSD

Warranty expired: April 2019.

  1. Updated drivers through Hp support assistant.
  2. BIOS is upto date.
  3. Tried uninstalling keyboard and restarted laptop for windows to install the drivers.
  4. Re installed Windows.
My dad has been using this laptop and gave this to me and he never bothered to check when it stopped working.

I have tried updating the BIOS and used HP support assistant to update whatever drivers were needed.

I contacted HP and was told the quote of 300 dollars to fix this.

We bought their premium offering and this shit broke in a year or so. So disappointing.

Any help guys?
I would open it up and check to make sure the ribbon cable is still plugged in. If so then it sounds like the backlight went out. In which case, you will have to replace the keyboard. Worst case scenario, you have to replace the entire palm rest. But that's only if the keyboard isn't screwed down. You can also try booting into a Linux (USB) Live environment. Preferably Ubuntu or Manjaro, as they have the best hardware support.