It should be alright, Ive thrown MB on my bed before and laid them on the carpet. I had a Asus Rmapage 3 extreme motherboard bought brand new in 2010, used it for 2 years then set it on the shelf for a while. It made its way to the closet for a while then sat leaning up against my desk, sitting on the carpet, for 3-4 years just the board never in a box or bag. Put it in a case fired it up and still OC'ed just as well as the day i took it out of service. I have 2 780 Ti gpus sitting on the floor right in front of my server rack waiting to go onto said Rampage motherboard. Things now a days are a lot more shielded then in the old days. yes you still need to be careful but you dont need a static clean room with a faraday cage around it to build a computer.