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Oct 10, 2009
hi all

when i run cpuz my memory mhz is set on 400mhz but my pc is ddr2 800mhz

my rams are apacer 4*1gb gold

and i wanna know how to overclock my q9550 to 3.0 ghz? plz help

just incerase the voltage?

need help plz
And if you are going to push as far as you can go (3.0 GHz is just a baby step forward), you will need to learn something about thermal management. Best place is the temperature guide in Computronix' signature.

And remember, we were all noobs at one time. It may have been a long time ago, but ...
tnx. but heres the problem

i tried to overclock my cpu and increase the voltage and then pc shutet down.

now my first problem is my rams

they are 800mhz

but in cpuz its writen 400mhz



these are the pics from Cpu-z

as i said i wanna put my ram on 800mhz if u see at pics u realize ans sth else my rams are ddr2 in cpu-z is writen ddr3

i just want u guys to tell me change which settings?

FSB ratio? and cpu voltage?

and ???????

need help very quickly. 😀

Concerning the way this is worded; we get far too many "users" that are too lazy to perform their own research, (for which only you are responsible), won't read, and are not interested in learning or understanding. Every question you post asks others to devote their precious time to provide answers for you. "Users" ask endless questions, are only interested in "using" us to get quick and easy spoon-fed answers, have nothing worthwhile to contribute, and are quickly exposed. We're always glad to help newcomers who are willing to help themselves, but we have no use for "users".
Respectfully, if you're in a hurry, then you shouldn't be overclocking. Every processor is unique, and responds differently to voltage, frequency and temperature. Overclocking requires patience, research, a methodical approach, and typically involves many hours of tweaking and testing. Even those of us who understand overclocking, can't make it happen in 5 minutes. There's no immediate gratification here.

My best advice to you; if you don't want to damage your rig, then slow down, read your motherboard manual, study the Guides, and give yourself time to understand the material so you can learn properly, rather than stumble around blindly in a trial-and-error frenzy. As you encounter settings you don't understand, write them down, then Google for information. Eventually the puzzle will come together for you. The learning experience will be well worth the effort, and will give you confidence.

Good luck,

Comp :sol:

yeah tnx agreed with u. i was in a hurry cause i had a research for my school and teacher told me to overclock ur cpu and if u do it best univ for feutre and some ............. fu..ing advices 😀 yeah thank you and im going to study this progres its so fantastic.
Nobody has mentioned it yet, but DDR2-800 runs at 400Mhz.
That's the correct speed, its Double Data Rate, so two lines at 400 = '800' in marketing land.

Don't overclock until you've read what the guys above have said, and replaced the standard cooler with a recommended aftermarket unit.
well guys i bought a noob cooling system for 120box without OC my cpu temprature is 10degrees and i went to bios set cpu clock ratio to 377 its the calculation 376*8.5=3.2GHz and i set my performance enhance to normal and then incresed the Vcore voltage to 1.275 and it worked. well it was my learning from that articles u told. now was this think overclocking that i did it? if it is tell me to continue with another voltages and another clock ratios

yeah but i tested every voltages comp the system wont boot and in bios setup it said system exprienced boot failure and i want to ask sth i just have to these staff and test? cause my cpu temp wont go up its still in range of 45-50 and i dont want to change anthore voltages of cpu? just vcore?

Best Regards
Small bumps on NB and VTT can help (so I found).
Do not raise them too high though, VTT over 1.4 has been known to kill processors in short time, and I recently damaged a P45 northbridge chip by pushing it too hard. To get 533 I'm now using 1.28V NB and 1.3V VTT.

Depending on the CPU and motherboard you're using, you may have simply just reached the limits of normal overclocking with your gear. Your temps are low, I'm assuming you've got a good cooler on there. Make sure to use realtemp to watch core temperatures, and use Prime95 for stress testing.

Remember also, the temperature of your processor when it's doing nothing will be very low, when you run a torture test the temps will jump instantly. If your computer wont boot at 3.4, then it may not actually be even stable at 3.2, so I'd be testing that with Prime95 (leave it running for an hour or so). For example I can boot in to windows and use my machine at 4.75Ghz but it will often make errors and games crash etc.

What motherboard are you using?
Man my board is ddr2 but it can support 1366 and i can but 1333mhz ddr 3 rams and here s my question can i buy a gtx285 2gb gddr3? ASAP Plz
Make an effort to form proper words and sentences instead of "texting", so we don't have to decipher your unpunctuated scrabble. :pfff:

So far, you're proving me right:

This is the last answer I'll give you:

Main memory type has nothing to do with Graphics memory type, however, if you're running a 32 Bit Operating System, (which is limited to 4GB total memory), then don't use a 2GB card, because your rig will be limited to 2GB main memory.

Tom's recently released the following article: How Much RAM Does Your Graphics Card Really Need? - http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/graphics-ram-4870,2428.html

Also, if you want anyone to help you with overclocking your Q9550, then don't go off on a tangent; give your complete system spec's, stay on task, and work the problem through to a conclusion.

Once again, read the Stickies and use SEARCH ... you can't miss it ... top dead center of any page.

Posting And You - http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting

Google is your friend... use it!
tnx comp but i have another question which is triple chanel 6gb ddr3 is better than 8gb dual chanel ddr3?

whats the diffrences between triple and dual ?

and gimme a link to learn about GPU overclocking

can i overclock 9500Gt 1gb ddr2?


You've got a long way to go, just to become an apprentice n00b! Sorry to flame you, but it's the only thing you've earned!

I count 3 questions and 1 demand! 😱 Excuse me ... gimme? That's just plain rude, as well as illiterate! :non: GIMME doesn't cut it! :fou: What did I just say in my previous post?

You're obviously a "USER! :ouch: You don't comprehend what you read, and you won't listen! You're so totally lost, your power cord privileges should be revolked, your mouse should run and hide, and take all the other cords with him on his way out! :cry:

I won't answer any of your questions, nor should anyone else! :heink:

Here it is for the 3rd time:

Go Away! :ange:

Your answers are there. We will not spoon feed information that is a few clicks away on this site, let alone a few clicks away on other sites as well. We are here to help but we are not here to be used for answering simple questions for which you can find the answer faster by yourself. When you're ready to ask something worth our time answering, go ahead and post the question.
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