I need a new gpu


Nov 6, 2014
I had a gtx 970 graphics card that recently broke. I need to replace it, but I'm unsure what to buy. $600 is my upper limit. Is the gtx 1080 worth getting? Is there anything about to come out I should wait for? Should I just get another gtx 970?

I only play games on 1080p I like to play on the highest settings possible.
I dont do vr or 4k or anything like that.

Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you


Well if you've got a budget of 600, get the best you can for it, so yeah go for 1080. Don't get another 970. Initially I'd suggest 1070 but it got so close in price to 1080 due to bitcoin mining craze that i'm not sure I'd recommend getting it even now.
If you want something comparable to your old 970, you can get a 1060, 6gb.
Buy the 1080. However, there is a "rumor" that a 1070 Ti is coming out. IF that actually happens, I suspect the 1070 will go down in price by at least $50. But for now, I'd get a 1080, and sell the 970.

However, would you mind listing your full specs, including your power supply's manufacturer and model number?

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