dhananjay 90

Jun 3, 2012
I bought a new CPU with a "iball i2241 mid tower cabinet" which has small PSU (14.2 x 7.0 x 16.0 inches ) that gives 250W
power supply and i was planing to buy a hd 6750 which needs a 400W PSU with a 6pin connector. So the problem is that
i can't find any psu which can fit in my cabinet, so can you suggest some PSUs which can fit in my cabinet and can also
work with hd 6750.

here is my cabinet's info-


and here is my pc configurations-

processor- i3 2100 @ 3.10 ghz
mother board- intel dh61ww
ram- 4gb king stone
hard disc- 500gb



You might be able to get away with a 7750 with your current PSU. The 800Mhz version of 7750 performs at par if not better than the 6750 and being at a smaller die size use less power & does not require 6PIN PCie connector. It might be at the borderline of your PSU capacity so if you are not comfortable at this, you can search more about this topic.