
Aug 4, 2011
My new rig is a phenom ii x4 965 BE, with an aftermarket hyper 212+ cpu cooler, All in a Cm Elite 430. M CPU s idling around 40C and under load is 55-60C I know the max should be 62 or 64, so im cutting it close, what are some high temp causes? I may have applied too much thermal paste so how might i remove some of that? And my GPU is running about 60C under load, thats okay right?

EDIT: The "load" im talking about isnt much, just league of legends at max settings. I used he thermal paste that came with the hyper 212. I put a small amount on the middle then put the heatsink on top, a tiny bit came out of ONE edge, i didnt think much of it though. And yes its still stock, im afraid to run more demanding things with these temps (ScII, FSX). Ill try the prime 95 now though


Jan 10, 2010
First of all, your temps aren't alarming. Depending on how long you have had your new PC running, the high temps might be explained by this. If your computer hasn't been running for long, I would suggest running a stress program such as prime 95 for a few hours or even overnight, to properly cure the thermal paste. This will ensure it fills all the microscopic voids in between the heatsink and the cpu itself.

In previous builds I have had initial temps drop by as much as 10c by doing the above.

You didn't mention, but what thermal paste did you use? As well when applying it what method did you use? When you attached the 212+, did you have so much thermal paste that it seeped out the edges. I'm really assuming not, but since you didn't provide the info I thought I would ask.

As well, are you overclocking it all or is it just stock at this point (I'm asuming stock).
Your ambient temps could also play a role in this, but like most people I'm assuming that your ambient temps aren't any higher than 30c. If not then you don't need to worry.


Cygnus x-1

Jul 28, 2011
If your TIM is coming out of the sides then your using way too much compound. Open coretemp and run prime95 for a little while and report temps. What are the temperatures in the room, and do you have the fan on auto or how fast is it spinning at load. That Blade Master can do 2000rpm and move quite a bit of air when on full blast.

Cygnus x-1

Jul 28, 2011
62c prime loaded isn't horrible, you can try opening the case and see if that drops the temps at all. Also you can go into bios and run the fan full blast just to see if there is an improvement.

You might be able to shave a couple/few degrees off with a better TIM application. Maybe all things combined for a sizable temp drop, see how it goes.


Aug 4, 2011
Fixed it, idle temps now about 27-28C turns out my hyper 212 was blowing towards the exhaust fan, but my exhaust fan was blowing toward the hyper 212, all is good now, 1 hour of prime 95, temps maxed at 53C