Question i7 9700k or ryzen 7

Mar 3, 2019
Do not spam the forum with the same question multiple times
So my brother needs a new CPU and motherboard and offered to buy mine. I have a Ryzen 5 2600 and an Asus b450 f gaming motherboard. I was thinking about selling it to him for $250 and spending another $250 or so on an intel i7 9700k and a new motherboard. I know its a lot of money but I do really love my PC and spend a ton of time on it. I am happy with ryzen but I feel as if I drop frames a lot while streaming and cant game and stream with good enough performance. I did think about buying a Ryzen 7 but i'm not sure if its going to be much of an upgrade. I never owned an Intel processor but always wanted to. I just got a job and have enough money to afford it but i'm not sure if its worth it. Its about a weeks worth of pay and as a 17 year old thats pretty rough but maybe good for the long run.
So my brother needs a new CPU and motherboard and offered to buy mine. I have a Ryzen 5 2600 and an Asus b450 f gaming motherboard. I was thinking about selling it to him for $250 and spending another $250 or so on an intel i7 9700k and a new motherboard. I know its a lot of money but I do really love my PC and spend a ton of time on it. I am happy with ryzen but I feel as if I drop frames a lot while streaming and cant game and stream with good enough performance. I did think about buying a Ryzen 7 but i'm not sure if its going to be much of an upgrade. I never owned an Intel processor but always wanted to. I just got a job and have enough money to afford it but i'm not sure if its worth it. Its about a weeks worth of pay and as a 17 year old thats pretty rough but maybe good for the long run.
A new line of ryzen processors is coming out mid summer so I would wait if you can.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-9700K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor ($404.99 @ Walmart)
CPU Cooler: be quiet! - Dark Rock 4 CPU Cooler ($69.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX Z390-E GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($238.89 @ Amazon)
Total: $713.87
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-31 01:02 EDT-0400

That $250 isn't going to go all that far with Intel. That's $460 odd short for a cpu that's not all that much better than what you have now. Are those few supposed frames worth that much? Or would you be better off loaning your brother enough to buy his own new on top of his $250? And you didn't mention ram...
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-9700K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor ($404.99 @ Walmart)
CPU Cooler: be quiet! - Dark Rock 4 CPU Cooler ($69.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX Z390-E GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($238.89 @ Amazon)
Total: $713.87
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-31 01:02 EDT-0400

That $250 isn't going to go all that far with Intel. That's $460 odd short for a cpu that's not all that much better than what you have now. Are those few supposed frames worth that much? Or would you be better off loaning your brother enough to buy his own new on top of his $250? And you didn't mention ram...

So hes giving me $250 and I have a cooler and ram so it would only cost me about $550 for the cpu and mobo minus the $250 he gave me so again its around $300 for me.
Does your bro have all that too, cuz he'll need it? To replace your board with equitable and a 9700k is closer to $650, that's $400 out of your pocket for gaming that's not going to be all that much different. Does it affect your game play? Can you see the difference? Or are you just looking at the numbers, because a new cpu won't help one bit on badly optimized games, you'll still get the frame drops at certain times.
It's $300 new for that same mobo/cpu as you have. That's $50 out your pocket to set him up, or $400 to set you and him up.

Just playing Devil's Advocate, it's your brother, so everything better be straight once the deal is done, cuz him coming up with another $100+ for DDR4 to make that pc functional can lead to bad blood.
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So i made a post similar to this before but basically im selling my amd ryzen 5 2600 and motherboard and need a new mobo and cpu. I was thinking about getting intel this time since im starting to stream and play more seriously. Im selling the parts for $250 and just got a job so I have around $500 ish including the money from sellling the parts. I was thinking save my money and get an intel i5 9600k or maybe an intel i7 8700k for the performance boost. I heard the i5 OC can out perform the i7 8700k stock so I was thinking that might be the best bet but I dont know if the i7 would be much better for streaming and such. So in your opionion what cpu and motherboard should I get?
If you're streaming while gaming, then a Ryzen 7 would serve you better in my opinion. Some games can use up to 6 or even 8 cores, in which case an i5 8th gen will struggle to stream simultaneously, while a Ryzen 7 will still be able to handle it easily. An i7 might be able to handle such a load, but I would honestly play it safe with a Ryzen 7. Who says you can't play games seriously on AMD?
If you're streaming while gaming, then a Ryzen 7 would serve you better in my opinion. Some games can use up to 6 or even 8 cores, in which case an i5 8th gen will struggle to stream simultaneously, while a Ryzen 7 will still be able to handle it easily. An i7 might be able to handle such a load, but I would honestly play it safe with a Ryzen 7. Who says you can't play games seriously on AMD?

Well I know Ryzen is pretty good but ive been pretty disappointed with the Ryzen 5 2600 and intel just has better benchmarks and performance in games so im not really sure why I wouldn't get intel when I have the chance. Ive been testing out the I7 8700k and it can stream and game really well. I can stream with the 2600 it just drops 40 frames or so and I feel like my gtx 1070 is bottlenecked because of my cpu.
Does your bro have all that too, cuz he'll need it? To replace your board with equitable and a 9700k is closer to $650, that's $400 out of your pocket for gaming that's not going to be all that much different. Does it affect your game play? Can you see the difference? Or are you just looking at the numbers, because a new cpu won't help one bit on badly optimized games, you'll still get the frame drops at certain times.
It's $300 new for that same mobo/cpu as you have. That's $50 out your pocket to set him up, or $400 to set you and him up.

Just playing Devil's Advocate, it's your brother, so everything better be straight once the deal is done, cuz him coming up with another $100+ for DDR4 to make that pc functional can lead to bad blood.

Hes fine with paying for new ram he was planning on buying the same cpu and mobo anyway so its just cheaper for him anyway and at least he has the warranty and reliability that it works. Im not paying for his ram or anything hes a grown man and can buy his own things so nothing is coming out of my wallet. I was thinking about getting the i7 8700k and a mobo for less a bit less than the 9700k to save some money but i was also thinking maybe a i5 9600k but honestly not really sure. I might just get a better ryzen chip but honestly my ryzen 5 2600 disappointed me so I probably will go with intel. Never had intel and only heard great things about them.
Then you should go with the i7 8700K, because the i5 might still struggle in some games. What games do you stream usually?
Just started streaming Apex mostly I know im a normy but yeah pretty addicted. I also streamed overwatch pretty heavily and plan on expanding to more games soon but I cant really play at a high fps and stream without low fps and really low settings. Even with the 1070 everything on apex is the lowest possible and I get less than 90fps while streaming
For gaming, Ryzen is 2nd seat. But not by much. The 9700k is a class above the 2600, Intel stepped up their game there, and most games will see a 20fps or better hike in fps. The Ryzen just can't match clock speeds or IPC to the 9 series cpus.

But your wallet can't afford the 9700k and decent Z390 mobo, not on this week's paycheck. (Your other post).

If you look, the 9600k in several games easily beats both the 8700k and the 2600, but it's even noted that depending on the game you'll still get highs and lows in fps and Intel can bounce further in that, amd being more fluid with lower variations.

At $270, the i5-9600k and decent mobo is doable today on your budget, it's the same cpu as the 9700k, just minus 2 full cores, which can help or not, depending on the game engine optimization.
Did you ever mention what kind of graphics card you have? Unless you have a graphics card that is rather high-end for the resolution you run, along with a high refresh rate monitor, I doubt you would notice any significant difference.

Also, did you overclock the Ryzen 2600, or just leave it at stock clocks?
Did you ever mention what kind of graphics card you have? Unless you have a graphics card that is rather high-end for the resolution you run, along with a high refresh rate monitor, I doubt you would notice any significant difference.

Also, did you overclock the Ryzen 2600, or just leave it at stock clocks?
He is talking about gaming and streaming at the same time and already said that his current rig can't keep up,it's not about getting high FPS.
If you look, the 9600k in several games easily beats both the 8700k and the 2600, but it's even noted that depending on the game you'll still get highs and lows in fps and Intel can bounce further in that, amd being more fluid with lower variations.
2080ti xc ultra .... running 1080 MEDIUM settings.....stop spreading this guys clickbait nonsense.
Also the threadripper (let's check...yup that's an AMD one,nada with the more fluid) has the same really big drops although it has even more cores,so double fail,drops in games come from bad coding not from low core counts.
Did you ever mention what kind of graphics card you have? Unless you have a graphics card that is rather high-end for the resolution you run, along with a high refresh rate monitor, I doubt you would notice any significant difference.

Also, did you overclock the Ryzen 2600, or just leave it at stock clocks?
I have a MSI GTX 1070 armor and I ovecocked that and I also overclocker the cpu a bit but not too much since it was crashing.
With the sales on the 2700/2700X, I'd just sell the 2600 to your brother and pick one of those up for ~$80 out-of-pocket using your existing motherboard unless you want to upgrade that too and pass your old one along. Ryzen may not be as good as the i5/i7/i9 for peak gaming frame rates but once you throw in CPU-intensive tasks like mixing video in OBS for streaming, those extra cores and threads come in handy for sustaining game performance while minimizing dropped frames on the stream(s) without having to pay the ~$200 Intel tax for a comparable performance tier.
With the sales on the 2700/2700X, I'd just sell the 2600 to your brother and pick one of those up for ~$80 out-of-pocket using your existing motherboard unless you want to upgrade that too and pass your old one along. Ryzen may not be as good as the i5/i7/i9 for peak gaming frame rates but once you throw in CPU-intensive tasks like mixing video in OBS for streaming, those extra cores and threads come in handy for sustaining game performance while minimizing dropped frames on the stream(s) without having to pay the ~$200 Intel tax for a comparable performance tier.
They are not extra if they are needed to get you the game performance,if you look at game benchmarks all games show scaling for ryzen up to 8/16 which means that any additional load will interfere with gaming because all cores and threads are being used for the game.If you look at intel games scaling pretty much tops out at 4/8 so anything above that is free to be used for anything else without any interference.

But the truth of the matter is that streaming with the CPU is the stupidest thing you can do anyway ever since GPU codecs improved enough to do it many times better than the CPU ever could.
On the CPU streaming uses all available cores and threads which means that they will always interfere with anything that is running unless you confine it by using affinity.

@perdboy The 1070 you have will give you perfect streaming on your ryzen without any impact on performance,just check youtube on how to set up geforce shadowplay and how to giove it a high priority so it will be smooth.
They are not extra if they are needed to get you the game performance

But the truth of the matter is that streaming with the CPU is the stupidest thing you can do anyway ever since GPU codecs improved enough to do it many times better than the CPU ever could.
They are extra cores and threads compared to both what you would get from Intel for a remotely comparable price and what OP currently has.

While you may be able to use the GPU for output encoding, you still need to use the CPU to add overlays (webcam, livechat, gofundme/patreon/etc. contributions, etc.) to your stream.