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So my brother needs a new CPU and motherboard and offered to buy mine. I have a Ryzen 5 2600 and an Asus b450 f gaming motherboard. I was thinking about selling it to him for $250 and spending another $250 or so on an intel i7 9700k and a new motherboard. I know its a lot of money but I do really love my PC and spend a ton of time on it. I am happy with ryzen but I feel as if I drop frames a lot while streaming and cant game and stream with good enough performance. I did think about buying a Ryzen 7 but i'm not sure if its going to be much of an upgrade. I never owned an Intel processor but always wanted to. I just got a job and have enough money to afford it but i'm not sure if its worth it. Its about a weeks worth of pay and as a 17 year old thats pretty rough but maybe good for the long run.