IBM P76 CRT Monitor Driver

On that site I sent you there was a .inf file that IS the driver for that monitor but if you are running WinXP it won't work because that is a very old monitor manufactured in 95 with only support for 95 and 98 Sorry I could not be more help but mpilchfamily is right you should upgrade it. I'm really suprised that it still works I never got one to work more than 5 years
My Monitor IBM P76 17" Flat CRT Serial No. 55K0766 was manufactured in 2000 and it works just fine until now and Windows XP recognized my monitor as "plug and play" standard monitor and doesn't need a driver. But recently when I play a game titled Jade Empire, the windows pop up a menu say "the system could not detect your monitor, if it comes with the driver you should install it or contact the manufacturer, until then your monitor might be damaged" (some sort of).

Basically I still can play the game and have no issues on it. I just wonder if there is somewhere on the website that I can download its driver and have Windows XP detect my monitor as a IBM P76 monitor. I bought that monitor from a friend of mine and he has already lost its driver :cry: .