If I install a new CPU, will my BIOS update?


Mar 29, 2012
Hi, I am looking into upgrading my CPU from a Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 to a Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 (Which supports Virtualization, which I need).

But my question, is will my BIOS update automatically or will I have to do it manually so I can enable Virtualization?

Here are my computer specs:

Gateway SX2800
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200
4GB of RAM

If you need anymore information, please let me know!
I would just update to the latest BIOS release (common practice) before swapping your CPU. Virtualization should be already enabled but if for some reason it is not just turn it on. This is all assuming the 9550 is on that mobo's list of supported CPU's.

No the update is not specifically for virtualization, it is more or less common practice and good procedure to update your BIOS prior to a CPU swap to have support for all features and avoid compatibility issues and so on.

Hi :)

COMMON PRACTICE that can DESTROY your motherboard...

Flashing ANY Bios for ANY reason is always risky...

All the best Brett :)

Wow kind of surprised you didn't tell him to buy an 1100T like you do every other post... Please do not cretique my methodology as I have been doing this for over a decade. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things, seeing as how I have never locked a motherboard in my life and am not shaking in my boots over a simple BIOS update I'm going to go ahead and say I must be doing things the right way...

Sorry to the OP, I can't stand when people jump into threads where I am trying to help someone and start spitting completely useless garbage.

Hi :)

Lol to a decade..... I have seen LOTS of Bios updates ruin boards in my 30 plus years owning Computer Shops and laptop repair companies...

And maybe YOU personally have never screwed up a Bios update, but we see at least one a week in my shops...

All the best Brett :)

Yup, stupid people do stupid things. this I why I am willing to help the creator of this thread do things in a proper and instructed manner. Btw he has an OEM system and a BIOS update may very well be necessary for additional CPU support.
when you replace your cpu. you have to go into bios and load optimized defaults... this is mandatory...
1s done you can go through the menus and find visualization and enable it if its off.
you may also have to do a repaire install of windows if your system becomes unstable as the hal will need updating...

you shouldnt need to update your bios with a bios flash as your system should already support core 2 quads...
Thanks for all the replies. I will triple check that my Motherboard is compatible with the 9550, and I have recently (in the past 3 months) updated the BIOS to the latest edition without any problems.
Again, thank you for all your replies. To triple check my Motherboaard is compatible with the 9550, I contacted Gateway and had the help of a very nice agent. She said that my computer was compatible and there would be no need for any upgrades. (For example, an upgrade in the power supply).

I am however looking for a good low profile graphics card for the computer, which I know I will have to upgrade the power supply for.