[SOLVED] If these are both the exact same model of GPUs, (RTX 2060s) then how can one be physically bigger? (On the inside)


Mar 17, 2016
Compare these 2 GPUs. One is a "Mini" and the other is a "3-Fan"


https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-gef...tx 2060&cm_re=rtx_2060-_-14-932-119-_-Product

Pretend that the fans and the heatsink doesn't exist for either card. Only the PCB exists.

Is the 3-fan GPU's PCB physically bigger than the other? How can this be?

I thought all GPUs of the same model are the same size/same architecture. So does different brands of the same model GPU come with different PCBs?
Reference cards are all the same, but manufacturers can make their own PCBs, and rearrange things in later iterations of the card. Instead of 6 1gb ram chips on a reference pcb for example, a manufacturer could condense it to 3 2gb chips, and make the card smaller.
No, AIB (add in board) partners can develop their own PCBs.
A lot of early cards will utilize the reference PCB, or force the most part, use the reference design.

Beyond the physical dimensions of the GPU die and the VRAM, the options are pretty endless (other than cooling etc)
Reference cards are all the same, but manufacturers can make their own PCBs, and rearrange things in later iterations of the card. Instead of 6 1gb ram chips on a reference pcb for example, a manufacturer could condense it to 3 2gb chips, and make the card smaller.
Why would you assume that the PCB's must be identical?

The video circuitry might be the same, but they support different number of fans.
I assume the PCBs would be identical because I am trying to use NV LINK. I have been told you can use different brands in NV LINK but now I discover that some card's PCBs are different sizes so some brands wont NVLINK because the PCB's might be taller/shorter for different brands.
I assume the PCBs would be identical because I am trying to use NV LINK. I have been told you can use different brands in NV LINK but now I discover that some card's PCBs are different sizes so some brands wont NVLINK because the PCB's might be taller/shorter for different brands.
that should have nothing to do with it. if they dont link then it's hardware diffs, not the board

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