In 90 Minutes, Humble Bundle Raises $300,000 For Rights Groups

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herp mcderperson

Feb 13, 2017
It's a 90-day suspension, not a ban, and being majority-Muslim has nothing to do with it. Being the majority of terrorism-exporting countries has everything to do with it, and the fact that they're Muslim is a coincidence. But hey, it makes for great narrative material that they're just Xenophobic and Islamophobic.

It's not even in effect right now, since the Courts have ruled against the Administration on this one.


Dec 4, 2009
ACLU does not equate to freedom. It equals liberal lawyers pushing for liberal policies. I've had to deal with one first hand in the family of my wife. She's got more hate for anyone than I've ever met. In the name of tolerance of course.


Tech companies just want to import an unlimited number of cut-rate engineers to keep their labor costs down.

It's objectively bad for me to support that practice. For as many times as I've been told there's a shortage of engineers... it sure still seems pretty impossible to find anything that pays anywhere near a 'median' salary.
If there was an actual staffing shortage, then why are benefits drying up and salaries being cut drastically?


Oct 31, 2012
Yeah, not a nation of Islamic immigrants, immigrants that wanted the American way. There is nothing in the constitution saying we have to let anyone in. Actually, during the great immigration of the late 1800's, early 1900's was us exploiting people for cheap labor.


Feb 13, 2017
We aren't a nation of immigrants. almost 90% of US citizens were born here. We are a nation of natives.

Aspiring techie

Mar 24, 2015
Toms, I really respect you. You are the first place I go to for the latest tech news, and I consider you one of the most in-depth, accurate, and practical tech sites around. Please, don't branch off into politics. I want to come to Toms for a breath of fresh air, not a repeat of the current political fights.

80-watt Hamster

Oct 9, 2014

You don't think so? In light of how Trump campaigned, it might not be a Muslim ban, but it certainly looks like it wants to be one when it grows up.



I don't really see how Tom's has "gotten political." I don't see any opinion in this article. It's just reporting on the current Humble Bundle, which is a unique one.


Jan 22, 2013
I will not give a single red cent to the ACLU, period. If they were truly for all Americans, they would defend all Americans rights instead of picking and choosing what rights to defend.

The Constitution is a pact between Americans and their government by consent. It is not a pact between some clown who is in this country illegally OR someone who is not entitled to those rights due to not being an American, either natural born or naturalized (including permanent legal immigrants...AKA "Green Card Holders")



Never mind that the countries that have exported the vast majority of terrorism are free of the ban.

Aspiring techie

Mar 24, 2015

I never said that Toms has gotten political. Toms has done a pretty decent job staying above politics. However, they seem to be dipping their toe into the water with articles on political topics like tech companies suing the government over the travel suspension, and mentioning the suspension in this article. Again, Toms is doing a great job staying above politics, but I am sensing that some politics (namely the travel suspension), is seeping into Toms. Right now, I would give Toms an A in sticking to the tech. I just don't want this to be the start of Toms deteriorating into politics.


Jul 30, 2014

Thanks for the kind words! We do our best.

We are not branching into politics, I assure you. That just doesn't fit our mission as a publication. However, when things in the world affect tech, we pay attention, and when we think it's appropriate, interesting, germane, especially noteworthy, etc., we cover tech stories that may include things such as politics.

We take great care to avoid taking sides or inserting any political opinions of our own.

Aspiring techie

Mar 24, 2015

I can say with utmost confidence that Tom's is one of the best tech publications out there. I've just seen too many other tech sites be sucked into the nastiness of politics, and I don't want Tom's to go down that route. With that said, I fully expect that Tom's will remain above politics and produce excellent news and reviews for many years to come. I think y'all are doing you best to remain above politics, so please don't succumb to pressure from any political side. You all are the best!
P.S. I can't wait for ya'll's Ryzen review :)
Wow, Tom's is deleting my comment because I don't agree with the ACLU.

I may of used some inappropriate words but come on.. are you really going to that low of a level?

Humble Bundle will not receive anymore money from me. The ACLU is a terrorist organization.

I know I won't be supporting this fund-raiser of theirs...because...

The company usually lets customers decide how their payments are split up--all the money can go to a charity, for example, or it can be split between the charity and Humble Bundle itself--and features a "pay what you want" scale along with some higher tiers which require minimum payments. The service, then, is all about freedom.

The Humble Freedom Bundle differs in that 100% of proceeds will go to rights organizations, and Humble Bundle vowed to match donations up to $300,000.

... There is no freedom of choice in this "freedom" bundle. It's all or nothing... so I choose nothing... Sorry if the other groups suffer, but I can't support the ACLU.

As to calling the ACLU a terrorist organization, I don't know if I would go that far... I do agree they support a liberal agenda, even if it means intentionally ignoring and going against the intentions of the founding fathers. I will say that SOMETIMES the ACLU does get things right, but more times than than not, they don't actually take a Constitutional point of view based on what the founding fathers intended.

To Tom's Hardware:

I do appreciate you staying out of politics, To help prevent it from looking like you're taking sides when you do have stories that involve politics, please let me suggest that you cover more than just one side's view in the matter. For example, on the FCC deal with "net neutrality" or even the temporary restriction of foreigners from specified countries... covering just the side of the story as covered by every other biased news source, is a disservice to not taking sides. Please try to cover the opposing view's sides better too... I know that side is usually squashed because it doesn't fit what they're trying to sell, but to get the objectivity that has been flushed down the toilet elsewhere, it needs to be included, and represented correctly. If we hear ALL sides, and fairly too, it makes it harder to claim one is taking sides and have it stick.


Jun 8, 2011
The only thing that's gotten politcized here on Tom's is the comment section. MSF does great work, too bad they have to risk their lives doing it. But that's what the world looks like.



Your previous comment was removed specifically and only due to the vulgarity.
Express your opinion without that, and it will stand.


Jan 14, 2015
MOTABA1 Feb 13, 2017, 2:08 PM
Yeah, not a nation of Islamic immigrants, immigrants that wanted the American way. There is nothing in the constitution saying we have to let anyone in. Actually, during the great immigration of the late 1800's, early 1900's was us exploiting people for cheap labor.

Who's "us" referring to. Not going against what your saying, just wondered if people have a specific group in mind when referencing "us" in an American context


Apr 10, 2012

Its a Ban regardless.

Trump need to discrimination should be into United States at anyway.

Unless you are a Trump Supporter, then there no point of talking to you as you are blind sided by him.



Apr 10, 2012
What Trump is doing with recent order is simply unconstitutional
We are talking about current president doing bad things to US...even attacked voters with this ban,

Of course the Trump Supporters will comments and say he doing right thing when it`s clearly wrong and disgrace thing to do. The 51+ lawsuits in first 11 days tells it.

Herp is right. Trump didn't say(to those stuck in airports around the world) you are banned from returning. You are only on a 90 day suspension? What? Your job? Not my problem. Your family? Not my problem.
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