In what sequence do I connect the modem, switch & wifi Router -


Mar 6, 2014
I get the internet connection through a DSL line - I need to split it to give the connection to 6 rooms. But both my wifi router and the switch have only 4 ports each. So how should I connect these to give the wired connection to all 6 rooms
You can use both routers, but DHCP must only be enabled on one of them. Check out some of the posts in the networking section to see how to connect them properly.
Connect the switch to one of the LAN ports on the router. You can use the remainng 3 LAN ports on the router plus the remaining ports on the switch to connect to other PC's or devices. If you need to go beyond 6 PC's, just get another switch and either connect it to one of the LAN ports on the router or to one of the ports on the existing switch.


Mar 6, 2014
ya that sounds easy!!! I will be able to manage. So I understand that - the main DSL goes to the wifi router, the I have 4 ports free. I can use 3 ports to connect 3 rooms and use the 4th port for the switch - and then the other 3 rooms get connected to the switch.
That way all rooms are wired. And since our house (in India) have many brick walls, can I put my old wifi router(Linksys) in a central lobby to give the wifi to the back side of the house? will a second wifi router interfere with the IP address the main router allocates?
