Question Inconsitent CPU temp variations day-to-day


Jul 23, 2016

Having a really strange issue with my CPU temperature, it's a little hard to explain so bare with me!

Essentially I have it undervolted quite heavily, and initally the temperatures were great, however I booted it up one day, and my temps were 15C higher, so naturally I assumed my AIO was failing, I reseated my pump applied brand new paste, and it seemed to have worked, however, my temps the following day, soared again, so I reset my BIOS entirely, and re did my undervolt, which seemed to have worked, but after a week or so, my temps have spiked again, despite having changed absolutely nothing in the BIOS, or windows, I don't run Ryzen master, due to the problems with 'AI suite 3'. This has honestly baffled me! I'm currently on my third BIOS version, nothing has fixed the issue.

ASUS ROG B550-a Strix
Ryzen 5800x
"Soared" from what temperature to how high?

What are your typical idle and loaded CPU temps?


Sorry for the late reply! I went from 27-30C idle, to about 40-45, and while gaming I was High 60's, low 70's to now mid 80's. and Spiking to 90C when initally loading games, which has never happened before when undervolted
I suspect your AIO is failing, based on these temps.


After furthing testing today, I'm removed my BIOS battery and my temps are okay again, I reinput all my BIOS settings, (apart from the undervolt) and everything is okay so far, that's why I'm leaning more towards a BIOS bug, could well be wrong and could be a hardware issue.

Not sure what to conclude from this!
I don't understand the desire to undervolt at all. Modern CPUs are designed to manage thermal loads.

That being said, a flaky AIO is problematic regardless. Keep a close eye on it.

Good luck.

Only for the reason for the undervolt is how the Precision boost overdrive works with Ryzen, if you undervolt it, you actually get higher frequencies by default.

Thank you for your time! Take care