My Insignia TV (NS-55D420NA18) is doing some weird zoom / resolution thing. It zooms way in on whatever input device, cutting off more than half of the picture and making the resolution and color poor.
The TV will be working fine, and then this happens intermittently. It happens with all three of the HDMI inputs, with several different input devices (Switch, WiiU, Roku, BluRay). Because it happens intermittently, I am confident it isn't a settings issue (nothing changed between working fine vs broken).
I included two images below. The Roku symbol and the "No Signal..." menu should appear in the center of the screen. You can see they are at the bottom and getting cut off. You can also see the fuzziness around "Roku" caused by the funky resolution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
The TV will be working fine, and then this happens intermittently. It happens with all three of the HDMI inputs, with several different input devices (Switch, WiiU, Roku, BluRay). Because it happens intermittently, I am confident it isn't a settings issue (nothing changed between working fine vs broken).
I included two images below. The Roku symbol and the "No Signal..." menu should appear in the center of the screen. You can see they are at the bottom and getting cut off. You can also see the fuzziness around "Roku" caused by the funky resolution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.