Installing Windows XP Home Operating System


Jan 4, 2006
According to the type motherboard I'm using the correct order for performing an installation of Windows XP would be as follows
the chipset drivers, video drivers audio drivers and then the network drivers. Now what I'm somewhat puzzled about is at what time would you update each one of these. For instance after installing the chipset, video,audio and network driver. would you go back in this same order to update each of these area? The reason I asked is because when installing your video drivers you should turn off any accelerators or anti virus programs or otherwise your video drivers won't install properly. so it seems like to me you would at this point install the intel accelerator chipset driver after installing the video driver. Does this sound logical to do this or what. Do I have it all backwards? Someone please help me with this if you don't mind and thanks in advance. I'd like to get the best performance out of my system.


Nov 19, 2004
To be honest, XP is very resilient about these things.
You install the operating system and then upgrade the drivers. The order is not really important. All you are doing is making XP use different drivers for the various components.

I have always updated my graphics drivers with antivirus etc. turned on and had no problems.


I have always installed this way.
servicepack 2 off cd
Chipset drivers
Anti- virus
nic drivers - if not onboard
all windows updates
video drivers - if not onboard
audio - if not included with chipset
once everything is running good I then update all drivers if needed.
Customize windows, kill services, get rid of all extra crap from windows, delete update uninstall directories to save space, then remove from add/remove program list
defrag a couple of times and then start installing all my sh!t