Never owned an AMD chip. I'm looking to replace my durable, little 10 yr. old i7 920 workhorse. She's chugging along these days doing all my dirty work on the internet and I enjoy this. She's caught a few viruses and suffered a ransom meathead angry because she cut his pay check like a politician. But she's always been my honey.
This past year she's been struggling even with all the updated gear I added to it, SSD, 16gb, USB3 and Sata 3, etc. I'm not sure it would have last this long if I had Windows 10 so I kept Windows 7 for as long as she'll go. I guess some of the 64 apps like Avast! and spyware tools slowed her down.
So now I'm shopping to replace the cpu, board and ddr3 ram. What's everyone using to surf the bad lands and far reaches of the internet universe? Places were nobody using good sense will go? You know, dirty work. Something that Windows 10 won't choke on. I don't want to use my game rig and I cherish older computers because of they're tendencies are known but I want to build a reliable bomb squad bully that will take me at least 5 years into the future. What'r you guys using for such a crude application? AMD or Intel? why would one or the other be better? Thanks for reading.