Rogue Leader :
tovepedersen680 :
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X and other Zen CPUs is to hard and complicatet to tune, there is not many people who will or like to fiddle with complicating settings in the BIOS, so it's a fair comparison, maybe AMD should write on the box: "Only for professional hardware nerds"
No more hard or more complicated than any Intel CPU. Theres plenty of people who like to fiddle with settings, hence this entire community, and the larger market out there for big coolers so people can push their equipment. But aside from the fact there is no fiddling involved in sticking a Ryzen CPU into a board and having it just work, exactly the same as building any system with an Intel CPU.
Yes it will just work,just as it did just work in this benchmark,the point he tried to make was that you loose way too much performance from things that normal people wouldn't even think about.
Not putting in 4 dimms into a 4 dimm slot system? Wouldn't even think twice about doing that and yet it has a big impact on performance,same goes for the dual ranked ram argument, I wouldn't even think to check if the ram I got is dual ranked or not.