Rogue Leader :
Err what? Putting 4 DIMMS in had nothing to do with the memory issue, its that they allowed it to use the default configuration which is ultra conservative, compared to going into the BIOS and setting XMP in the Intel system thereby giving it faster speeds and more aggressive timings. The memory issue had nothing to do with having 4 dimms or dual ranked ram.
Sorry the argument doesn't hold water. Ryzen and Intel both require the same exact tweaks to get the best performance out of the installed processor and memory, just like they always have and always will, the only way to avoid such tweaks on BOTH systems is to not care about memory speed and use baseline 2133 mhz ram.
Those two points are what the hardwareunboxed video stated, together with the false settings.
Still, the argument here is that correct ram settings would negate the 50% worse performance which is ridiculous.