
Feb 13, 2001
Once in a while something interesting happens on a DOA return. Over the past 8 months, we've sold about 600 or so of the Retail Boxed IBM 75GXP drives.

A customer came in with one (45 days old) two weeks ago that was making that familiar noise (If you've had one die, you know this noise) and I simply grabbed a new one of the shelf as the customer wasn't in the mood to play with IBM. We see about 1 in 100 fail and they usually die quickly if they are going to (hopefully in testing!)

As it turns out, this was the last 45GB 75GXP (all of our systems now ship with 60GXP's in the 40 or 60GB flavor). I filled out the IBM paperwork online (just like any consumer would) and printed the RMA. Sent the drive back and to our surprise, IBM sent out a 60GB 60GXP to replace it. They enclosed a nice little sheet explaining that they don't manufacture 75GXP's anymore (but last I heard they had thousands of them kicking around.. but I digress) and since the original was 45GB, they enclosed a 60GB drive as the 40GB model would have been smaller than the original. They also included a new manual, software disk and that neat fold out setup guide that only comes with boxed units.

Being conservative, I checked the model and sure enough, as was the 75GXP that we sent in, this was also a retail version and not an OEM drive, so it qualified for the extended warranty.

Definately nice on the part of IBM. I also called the customer to see if he wanted me to swap out this 60GXP for his 75GXP, but he'd already ghosted onto the new drive and didn't want to be troubled. As I can't sell it, I simply turned it into my new XP drive for this system!

Has anyone else returned a 75GXP and gotten a 60GXP in exchange? (Gee, I hope I'm not going to start a glut of people sending in 75GXP's for replacement)... :)

Steve Benoit

Stable Technologies
'The way IT should be!'


Dec 31, 2007
I had a 75GXP 75GB hard drive die on me. I was very upset since it died only two weeks after I started to use it. They sent me the exact same model. So far nothing yet. I am kinda worried now that rumors are about. I got burned twice because the motherboard I purchased was that piece of crap MSI K7Master that everyone ranted and raved about. Turns out that after some point in time countless boards shipped with a 133Mhz FSB bug. MSI is not taking them back. I'll never buy from them ever again. I am sure you know about this one as you are up on all the latest stuff. If not you can find many threads on it in other forums.

It worked yesterday! :lol:


Wait, why can't you sell it? You're paying for it, otherwise. It's a replacement for the one you gave the customer off the shelf, basically.

<font color=green>I post so you don't have to!
9/11 - RIP</font color=green>