[SOLVED] Internet extremely slow all of a sudden

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Mar 20, 2020
I usually get 150Mbps download and 7Mbps upload. However, as of a week ago I'm getting 15Mbps download and 1Mbps upload. On top of this I also have really bad packet loss. This is over WiFi and I tried speedtests on multiple devices, getting the same results on each. Using ethernet isn't an option for me. I tried restarting router multiple times, switching the outlets, and calling my ISP to reset it for me. Nothing works. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Seconding @rgd1101

Much, much more online connectivity to do all sorts of things: work from home, banking, shop, research, school work, gaming, etc...

However, wireless is inherently slower than wired. If the slowdown happens to be within your network why is ethernet not an option for you?

Who has full admin rights to your router?
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