[SOLVED] Internet speed cut in half, but only on one computer ?


Mar 12, 2014
ive got gigabit internet speed for my home network and ive got 3 pcs running off of it and for some reason 1 of the PCs is getting half the speed of the others. any ideas as to why that might be? its got me stumped ive tried several things to troubleshoot it and still nothing :confused2:
running all CAT6 Ethernet from a NETGEAR Nighthawk X10 to a 5 port netgear switch (GS105). a laptop running from the switch gets 850mbps, the other pc gets around 850mbps but the one pc tops out at around 430mbps
ive re-configured all the Ethernet how everything is set up several times and also directly connected it to the router and same results on that one pc
ive bought a pci network card and same speed on it as well
only thing i haven't tried is a fresh install of windows. figured id come here to ask for some things to look into before doing so
thank you
(the speeds aren't really bothering me im just stumped as to why)
Before you reload windows try to boot a linux USB image. Most these come with chrome pre installed to you can run normal speed test.
Since these run completely from the USB they should not touch your in windows install.
sorry for taking so long to get back.. i ran Linux Mint and did a speed test and got normal speeds around 800mbps still clueless what would be going on with windows to cause my internet speeds to be halved
have you
ive got gigabit internet speed for my home network and ive got 3 pcs running off of it and for some reason 1 of the PCs is getting half the speed of the others. any ideas as to why that might be? its got me stumped ive tried several things to troubleshoot it and still nothing :confused2:
running all CAT6 Ethernet from a NETGEAR Nighthawk X10 to a 5 port netgear switch (GS105). a laptop running from the switch gets 850mbps, the other pc gets around 850mbps but the one pc tops out at around 430mbps
ive re-configured all the Ethernet how everything is set up several times and also directly connected it to the router and same results on that one pc
ive bought a pci network card and same speed on it as well
only thing i haven't tried is a fresh install of windows. figured id come here to ask for some things to look into before doing so
thank you
(the speeds aren't really bothering me im just stumped as to why)
have you tried to refresh your network ?
Update: i got it figured out, it was in Delivery Optimization under Advanced options. 45% of bandwidth was being reserved for windows updates for some reason.
Thanks for the update. There is so much crap on a windows install you have to disable. I forgot about this one so I now need to contact some people I built machines for over christmas and explain how to disable that feature.
I really hope that someday we get a update that shuts down half the world then microsoft will get forced by the governments to allow people to not take updates that are smart enough to apply them themselves.
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