
Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Hi, For the potential of attracting young professional customers it seems
advertisers are willing to give us a decent incentive for a change. This
offer was featured on Newsnight and it is absolutely genuine. I have set up
a simple one page site to explain and give links to both the Newsnight
report and the parent company behind it all. Just paste
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tomedwardevans/ipod into your browser.
Sorry to use this message board for promotion but it's such a good offer it
can't last forever.
Happy iPod-ing


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Thomas Evans wrote:

you mean it's spam?

Paul (That’s what keeps me down)
Stop and Look


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

No, as hard to believe it is actually true lol - check out the BBCs report.

Paul Heslop <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
Thomas Evans wrote:

you mean it's spam?

Paul (That's what keeps me down)
Stop and Look


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Thomas Evans wrote:
> No, as hard to believe it is actually true lol - check out the BBCs report.

I mean yes, obviously with pyramid schemes someone is going to come up
trumps, but many people will not

Paul (That’s what keeps me down)
Stop and Look


Apr 5, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Thomas Evans wrote:
> No, as hard to believe it is actually true lol - check out the BBCs
> report.
> Paul Heslop <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:423C4D2A.A723C76D@blueyonder.co.uk...
> Thomas Evans wrote:
> you mean it's spam?

Having read your website and the newsnight report it looks to me like a
variation on the Pyramid Scam.......

legal ? ......probably

worth doing?.........probably not


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Paul Heslop schrieb:

> I would say where the main purpose of your post is personal gain then
> it has to be spam, and no matter how Thomas dresses it up he is
> certainly hoping to gain from this. I'd also like to ask Thomas if he
> has made any posts relevant to the NG?

It's off-topic anyway in this newsgroup.

CU, Venty


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Thomas Evans wrote:
> Hi, For the potential of attracting young professional customers it seems
> advertisers are willing to give us a decent incentive for a change. This
> offer was featured on Newsnight and it is absolutely genuine. I have set up
> a simple one page site to explain and give links to both the Newsnight
> report and the parent company behind it all. Just paste
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tomedwardevans/ipod into your browser.
> Sorry to use this message board for promotion but it's such a good offer it
> can't last forever.
> Happy iPod-ing


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Thomas Evans wrote:
> Apologies for any offence caused, it wasn't really meant I'm just looking
> for referrals and spreading the word isn't that 'evil'.

Awwww, a do-good spammer! :)


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

This is the first and ONLY time i've ever posted ads for something like this
actually, and I get equally as pissed off as other people. Being 15 its
difficult actually a ffording an ipod and when you get the chance to get one
for doing little work (or at least encouraging people to do the same) most
people my age would do it. I hope you're familiar with the eastern concept
of Karma by the way Clarke, you're obviously not a very tolerant person.

Clarke <itsclarke@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Thomas Evans wrote:
> > Apologies for any offence caused, it wasn't really meant I'm just
> > for referrals and spreading the word isn't that 'evil'.
> Awwww, a do-good spammer! :)


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Thomas Evans wrote:
> Haha! Thanks Paul, that means a lot. I was initially upset that I seemed to
> have annoyed people, I thought the odd 'spam' mail on these boards came with
> the territory. I haven't ever posted here either you're right, but I have
> been viewing the boards for the past few years particularly with the release
> of the last GTA at the end of 2004. Again, I can only apologise that I seem
> to have put some people's nose out of joint for what is essentially one post
> on a newsgroup. Sorry!

we'll let you off this time but you must remember to enter the group
on your knees for the next six months!

But on a GTA related matter, has anybody actually got
> the girlfriend in Las Venturas with the pink car to come out of her house?
> That's the only mission I haven't completed as she's never there...
She is terrible for not being home. I used to find that wearing the
gimp suit helped sometimes but not always. Others suggest leaving and
coming back, ie leaving LV on a jetpack or such. Basically I find
she's in til you get the card, then she stops being in

> (And by the way Paul, I saw your website - you're into photography? I've got
> some pics on my 'legitimate' site (!!) that may interest you -
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tomedwardevans Cheers)

Again, pretty good for your age group, and even for more 'mature'
groups. Have you visited http://www.shuttercity.com ?
It's a pretty cool place and you can get some good feedback on your
pics, plus it's free except constant nagging for donations :O)

Paul (That’s what keeps me down)
Stop and Look


Archived from groups: alt.games.grand-theft-auto (More info?)

Cheers, I'll check it out.

Paul Heslop <paul.heslop@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
Thomas Evans wrote:
> Haha! Thanks Paul, that means a lot. I was initially upset that I seemed
> have annoyed people, I thought the odd 'spam' mail on these boards came
> the territory. I haven't ever posted here either you're right, but I have
> been viewing the boards for the past few years particularly with the
> of the last GTA at the end of 2004. Again, I can only apologise that I
> to have put some people's nose out of joint for what is essentially one
> on a newsgroup. Sorry!

we'll let you off this time but you must remember to enter the group
on your knees for the next six months!

But on a GTA related matter, has anybody actually got
> the girlfriend in Las Venturas with the pink car to come out of her house?
> That's the only mission I haven't completed as she's never there...
She is terrible for not being home. I used to find that wearing the
gimp suit helped sometimes but not always. Others suggest leaving and
coming back, ie leaving LV on a jetpack or such. Basically I find
she's in til you get the card, then she stops being in

> (And by the way Paul, I saw your website - you're into photography? I've
> some pics on my 'legitimate' site (!!) that may interest you -
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tomedwardevans Cheers)

Again, pretty good for your age group, and even for more 'mature'
groups. Have you visited http://www.shuttercity.com ?
It's a pretty cool place and you can get some good feedback on your
pics, plus it's free except constant nagging for donations :O)

Paul (That's what keeps me down)
Stop and Look