[SOLVED] Is Furmark Safe for GPU testing?


Nov 26, 2018
Is Furmark/MSI Kombustor reasonably safe for testing newer GPUs (e.g. RTX 20xx series) run short term, e.g. ~10 minutes or less with acceptable thermals, e.g. <85c core and <95c GDDR6??? The card would be run at its max power/temp slider limits in Afterburner to determine its highest stable overclock quickly and definitely to rule out artifacting (using the Artifact Scanner which I find extremely helpful and accurate and catches artifacts most benchmarks will not reveal). Can it be used repeatedly and safely for several test sessions if the temps stay within spec?
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If your card is working properly, it will not damage anything.

Just make sure the card is stable and GPU+VRM temperatures stay in check. Otherwise, it can kill GPUs.
As with any stress testing software, it's as safe as the person using it. If temperatures stay within tolerance, they're perfectly fine for testing the stability and integrity of your hardware. If you experience crashes, then it is indicating faulty hardware or unstable overclocks.

Then if temperatures start to rise above maximum safe temperatures, the software should be halted until cooling is improved (or remember that your system is unlikely to induce said loads anyway).