Is GTX 970 still worth buying


Apr 7, 2015
Hello. I am planning on buying a GTX 970 G1 Gaming but i don't know if its still worth buying it. Is it a good one or i should i buy another one? Thanks!
Probably! I got one for $299.99 USD.
Everything changes when VR comes about, but its looking more and more likely that a dual-gpu setup will work wonders there, and that 2x 970s will do the trick for a good while.

Nothing out there seems to run 4k well (within $ reason), so unless you want 144hz at 1440p the 970 is still a great card, imho.
Probably! I got one for $299.99 USD.
Everything changes when VR comes about, but its looking more and more likely that a dual-gpu setup will work wonders there, and that 2x 970s will do the trick for a good while.

Nothing out there seems to run 4k well (within $ reason), so unless you want 144hz at 1440p the 970 is still a great card, imho.