Is Intel HD 4000 enough for gaming with a i7-3770K processor?


Dec 4, 2012

I've recently been trying to find a new computer to buy because my old PC is on the verge of breaking down.
I've gotten a couple of offers from different computer stores in my town, and it's come to my attention that quite a few of them slap Intel's i5 and i7 processor together with what they describe as loosely as "GRAPHICS: HD 2500" or "HD 4000", so I've come to the conclusion that this is Intel's HD 4000.
Upon checking a couple of forums and benchmark sites, I got the impression that these graphics are quite... lackluster, so to say, if not even worse than my current graphics card ( Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT ).
Later, a friend of mine who happens to be a computer technician explained to me that, in layman's terms, the processor pretty much takes care of the graphics for the most part.
So, you can imagine that what's left is a giant mess of a confusion.
I'm not fanatic about having the ultimate gaming machine to the extent of spending over 700€ on a computer, but I would still like to run current and future games on higher settings without the picture going extremely laggy. You know, so I wouldn't have to drop the graphics settings of future games to LOW in order to even run them. I know it might sound rather silly when I'm talking about "future games" given the relative unpredictability of the industry, but you can probably guess what I'm trying to say.
Now that you've heard my explanation of my dilemma and wishful expectations, there's still the question that remains.
Is it enough for my gaming needs?
I would also greatly appreciate it if someone could explain the balance between processor and graphics that is befuddling me.

I would like to thank all of you in advance for the time invested in reading this and providing possible feedback.
Your friends knowledge seems lackluster. Intel HD 4000 will not play all latest games, and those which it will play, it will play on lowest settings only.

i7-3770k is also a silly buy for gaming. It costs way too much to justify the gains from it, and it's virtually not a single bit faster than i5-3570k, which is 100 euro cheaper.

If you are going to be playing games, it's even better to drop down to i3 CPU just so you could get a decent graphics card. It's the most important part in a gaming PC.

P. S. check how graphics card performance compares to CPU performance:


Yeah, the first comment is pretty much what I heard on all the forums where I saw HD 4000 being mentioned.
Thank you for confirming my fears and also the additionally supplied information.
Would you then recommend that I just build my own PC considering the seemingly bad offers of local computer stores?
what resolution do you plan on gaming at? Im US so I don't know exact prices, but you can probably get buy with a 660 or 7850 which is 150ish usd after rebates and selling game keys.

Most games these days are ported over from consoles, so it doesn't take much money to get a card that will play recent games on high and future games to play well either. Next gen consoles aren't a noticeable bump either, and I guess its safe to assume a mid tier card will play them quite nicely. Where in Europe are you located?

And yes a lot of prebuilts don't have dedicated or good enough to game with graphics cards. You can go to boutique sites, but there is obviously a premium in them building it vs doing it yourself. If you're up to the task, I say build it.

In Slovenia. We don't really have as many so-called boutiques here, in fact, I'd say I only know about one. I tried to have them build me a PC once and the price would've been way above my budget.
So ,yeah, I wouldn't really know about that here. I'd have to ask around.
Yes, I'd advice you building a PC. Tell us a budget in euros. I live in Europe myself, so I know the prices. I'll be able recommend you a full setup if I know how much you want to spend :).

I was thinking of spending somewhere between 500€ and 700€, though I'd go as high as 800€. Kind of trying to save money as I want to buy a digital drawing tablet as well.
Okay. I'll try targeting 700 euros range.

Processor: Try getting i5-3470, i5-3550, i5-3570 or i5-3570K (whichever is the cheapest at your local shop). ~180 Euros.
Motherboard: Cheapest B/Q/H/Z 75/77 motherboard of ATX form factor with 4 RAM slots - ~65 euros
RAM: Get a RAM kit of 2x4GB 1600 MHz CL9 - ~35 euros
Graphics card: According to your preference and price, get either HD 7850 2GB or GTX 660 2GB. Stick with XFX/Sapphire/Asus/Gigabyte/MSI. GTX 660 is a bit faster, but they are close in price. ~180 euros
Hard disk drive: Definitely get a 7200 RPM drive. 1 TB should be enough. Western Digital is considered a better company than others. ~70 euros
Power supply unit: Aim for good quality brands, I'd stick to these ONLY: Corsair/Antec/Seasonic/XFX. 430-500 watts is enough - ~45 euros
Case: Get a mid ATX case that looks nice and is of decent build quality. To find out whether it's decent, watch a youtube video or look for its review - ~50 euros
Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium - ~85 euros

Total: ~710 euros.

I gave a rough estimate and rounded priced up a bit. You should fit the 700 euros mark. You should now check at your local shop and check which parts you can get and how much they cost. Report back your findings.

Wow, thank you very much! I'll definitely be paying a visit to the store within this week, maybe even tomorrow. Once again, thank you for all the information and advice.

So, I decided to take a look at the prices at the shop today.
Processor: Turns out they have none of your recommended processors other than the 3570K - that one costs ~290€.
MB: The motherboards that I assumed fit your description cost around 50-80€, but at least there are plenty of options to choose from.
RAM: I only saw RAM kits of 2x2 GB, for 30€ each.
Graphics: Only saw GTX 660 2GB for Gigabyte and Asus. It costs around 300€.
HDD: They only have one model of a 7200 RPM drive, namely some 750GB drive by Seagate. Costs ~160€.
PSU: Only a couple of 430-550W ones to choose from, and those cost ~50€. As for brands, I only saw a 430W Corsair. Most of their PSU's seem to be Chieftec.
Case: They have a fair variety of cases around the 50€ mark.

So, yeah. It'd end up costing around 1000€.

I can only think of one, but even that one has prices that are higher than elsewhere. The same processor, for example, would cost 250€. The graphics card about 270€ ( note: Supposedly on sale down from 310€ ). The HDD around 100€. The rest is about the same price as the store I listed.
Okay. Drop down the CPU to i3-3220 or 3225. It should be half the price of the i5.

Get that 430 watt corsair PSU.

HDD from the online shop. And try fitting 8 GB of RAM in.

Does it bring the price to your budget?

Eh, I don't think I should give them the satisfaction. I tend to be a cheapskate by nature and if I know that this is way overpriced compared to, say, but it can't be delivered to my country, I'm still not going to give in. I'll keep an eye out for decent premanufactured computers, I mean they get new ones every other week... I'll see.

If the Intel HD 4000 was as powerful as the GeForce 9600 Gt, then AMD and nVidia would be in real trouble in the value oriented (not budget) segment of the graphics card industry.

What about I know for sure that they deliver to whole europe except if your country has any laws that doesn't allow them to. I bought Kindle from it.

P.S. is an american website, and the cheaper it's much cheaper there it's because they have no VAT, unlike us.

Well, the prices seem to fall within my budget, it would total for around 800€. Though, I'm not sure about that, considering that I have never used amazon before, however I do believe that you need a sort of bank card for it, no?
Still, all the continuous failing when it comes to this has made the entire idea rather offputting, so I will leave it to sit for a while and think it all over.
On the bright side, not all pre-manufactured computers here are that shitty, though I think they would still cost more while performing worse than one with the parts you suggested to me.
I'll go inspect the new offers I had gotten more closely and then figure out what to do.

Thank you very much for all the help, even if I'll ultimately be led into purchasing a premanufactured computer. At least I've learned new things while visiting this forum, gathering information and browsing tutorials.
I managed to come across some computers that don't seem to be so bad... at least to me. But they still shine over the others which just have an i7 processor and HD 4000 graphix.
There's three that caught my eye. I'm only going to list the CPU, RAM and GPU respectively, 'cause I believe that these make the biggest difference, the other parts are okay.
#1 ~600€
8GB DDR3/1333MHz
nVidia GT630
#2 ~899€
8GB DDR3/1600MHz
AMD HD 7770 1GB DDR5
#3 ~699€
6GB DDR3/1333MHz
GTX 550 Ti
What do you think? I also live very close to the border, so I am contemplating making a trip to Austria and visit Mediamarkt after checking their online offers. If anything, practically everything is cheaper there.
The third option is kind of the best for your money, but to be honest you'd be throwing your money away if you bought it. GTX 550 Ti is a weak card, and I don't think there's a reason to get it unless your whole PC costs 400 euros. And that PC costs twice as much.

I know right? I don't even know how this happened... and it only seems to be like this in my country - in Austria it's cheaper, that's for sure.
It's almost like we have 100% taxes on computers or something... which is strange, considering that when I last purchased a computer ( about 4 years ago ) the store price more closely resembled the combined value of all the parts.
Oh well, I will still be on the look out... but it looks like I won't be able to find anything worthwhile yet. Thanks for the feedback.