Question Is is possible to transform a external DVD player into home DVD player?

Jun 4, 2019
Is is possible to transform a external DVD player into home DVD player?
I bought an external DVD player some times ago. Recently my home dvd player died...
Was wondering if there exists some kits or anything that I could plug to my external dvd player to use it on my TV. Such as one side USB and the other HDMI. And I guess some software between to read the dvd datas.
Any clue?

PS: sorry for bad ineglitch, me french.
That "anything" is called a computer / laptop with HDMI interface. But it will be probably cheaper just to get new DVD (or even BD) player.

Then, depending on which part of your DVD player has died: If it is the DVD drive itself, open the player, and check the drive. Some players use standard computer DVD drives, and are easy to fix / replace.
And even if you are willing to attach a computer to it, the powers to be are really cramming down on piracy to be point where driving an optical with a standard computer too much hassle.

Another DVD player can be had dirt cheap unless you are one of them discriminating videophile/audiophile type.