So I've bought this "new" monitor.
It's refurbished and well I don't enjoy spending a lot of money on things,
as long as they can last me a long time (as they do) It's fine.
But this one is interesting in my opinion.
For a couple of years I've been using LCD monitors or whatever you call them (those flat ones)
and they have always been hot to touch, I don't know why maybe its because of the amount of
electricity that goes through or how many times the image is refreshed.
I don't know, I'm not an electrician.
Is this normal though? I remember every monitor I used was hot to touch after 6+ hours of work.
But this one I'm using for 12 hours straight and it's cold, It's mildly warm at the
outside frame to the right of the monitor but it's so small amount of heat that its still mostly
cold compared to the previous monitors I've used... and it's absolutely bending my mind (lol).
Is it safe? Is it something I should be concerned about?
Or have I discovered some tech I did not know existed (lol)
It's a Fujitsu monitor.
It's refurbished and well I don't enjoy spending a lot of money on things,
as long as they can last me a long time (as they do) It's fine.
But this one is interesting in my opinion.
For a couple of years I've been using LCD monitors or whatever you call them (those flat ones)
and they have always been hot to touch, I don't know why maybe its because of the amount of
electricity that goes through or how many times the image is refreshed.
I don't know, I'm not an electrician.
Is this normal though? I remember every monitor I used was hot to touch after 6+ hours of work.
But this one I'm using for 12 hours straight and it's cold, It's mildly warm at the
outside frame to the right of the monitor but it's so small amount of heat that its still mostly
cold compared to the previous monitors I've used... and it's absolutely bending my mind (lol).
Is it safe? Is it something I should be concerned about?
Or have I discovered some tech I did not know existed (lol)
It's a Fujitsu monitor.