Is it ok to connect fans to psu directly


Jan 21, 2017
Hello i have a very confusing question i have 4 fans and my motherboard has only 2 fan headers and one for the cpu cooler so i have connected one exhaust to the psu directly and one intake to the motherboard and one exhaust to the motherboard and one intake to the psu directly wich leave me with 2 exhaust one to psu one to mobo and 2 intake one to psu one to mobo so my question is it is ok to install them like that or it is better to install the 2 intake directly to the psu so it can work on full speed always and bring cool air to my case and components and connect the 2 exhaust to the mobo or is it better to connect the 2 exhaust to the psu and 2 intake to the mobo and thank you.
Intake cool air is important so is exhaust but I guess I would put intake on PSU/full speed too.

If it's an option you can get a 3rd party fan controller. They are powered by the PSU and can control several fans independently.

The speeds can be controlled according to system load, you can shut any one of them off when there's no real load and last but not the least there'd be much less noise from two fans spinning at full throttle all the time.


Intake cool air is important so is exhaust but I guess I would put intake on PSU/full speed too.

If it's an option you can get a 3rd party fan controller. They are powered by the PSU and can control several fans independently.

The speeds can be controlled according to system load, you can shut any one of them off when there's no real load and last but not the least there'd be much less noise from two fans spinning at full throttle all the time.


Jan 21, 2017
Ok thank you all but my question is should i connect the intake fan to the psu or the exhaust fan to the psu? Or am i good right now by connecting one exhaust and one intake to the psu and thank you

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