I don't know if this is the right section for this threat.whatever when i play GTA V on High i get average 50fps to 45 and sometiems goes to 30..and this is starting to annoy me as i've seen many youtube videos using the same GPU as mine and having more than 60+(avg:75) on very high graphics too..so i was curious if my processor is the one who is not functioning as it should be or it should be upgraded?i've made a userbenchmark test and this was the results:
Also i play League of legends too..and i though that i would be having more than 144+fps atleast on normal graphics but i am having 144 only in the first 2mins then it start going down to 100 and even 90fps on normal settings..so if anyone can help me i would appreciate this so much.
PC specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K
GPU: Gigabyte Nvidia GTX 1660
Ram: kingston 16GB
Also i play League of legends too..and i though that i would be having more than 144+fps atleast on normal graphics but i am having 144 only in the first 2mins then it start going down to 100 and even 90fps on normal settings..so if anyone can help me i would appreciate this so much.
PC specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K
GPU: Gigabyte Nvidia GTX 1660
Ram: kingston 16GB