[SOLVED] Is my new Rtx 2080 super broken?


Apr 14, 2016
Hey guys,
yesterday I just got my new Aorus rtx 2080 super 8Gb and just now I noticed sth weird (according to images of the gpu) (and I know you will tell me to try it first but it's a new build and it's not gonna finish soon unfortunately)
In the image below you can notice all the pins are same length and complete

but here in this image I noticed one of the pins is shorter than the others in each sides

is it normal or sth is wrong with it?? I hope you can help me with it
Thanks <3
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PRSNT1# and PRSNT2# pins must be slightly shorter than the rest, to ensure that a hot-plugged card is fully inserted.

it's fine,

that first image is a "render" image of the card, they didnt bother to check what the actual pins will be like.