8350rocks :
The screen name has nothing to do with the price of goats in Africa...besides...who uses their real name in a screen name?
Somebody who doesn't feel the need to hide behind a false name.
8350rocks :
I can't take steam usage seriously because it doesn't represent the world's population.
Agreed. You could make an argument for Steam's data being representative of PC gamers in general (not sure that I would argue even that though).
8350rocks :
China has 2 billion people...and the Chinese government is switching to Linux...want to bet there will be some people changing over their software when the government announces full transition to Linux? Especially since the software is free...and most of them are running pirated copies of outdated windows OS now, and don't want to pay for legit copies.
People are more likely to switch from pirated XP to pirated Windows 7. You think the average Chinese citizen idolizes and emulates their government and chooses their OS based on what the government uses? If they chose XP over Linux, why would they not choose Windows 7 over Linux?