[SOLVED] Is the i9-9900K worth it for just gaming?

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Nov 18, 2013

I want to get a new high-end PC build, with the best components for gaming like a top processor and a RTX 2080 Ti

I'm currently using a PC with an i5-8400, a GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB of RAM and a BenQ Zowie XL2546 240hz 1080p monitor, but I'm also thinking about getting an ultrawide monitor or a 1440p 144hz 16:9 monitor, I'm still not sure. Maybe you could help me with this too.

I'd like to know this regarding the 9900K because I read that compared to some of the Ryzen 3000 series CPUs for example, or even an i7-9700K it is much more expensive and it doesn't offer any meaningful gains.

I wouldn't use my PC for working or streaming or anything else apart from gaming, but I'd like to play with the highest refresh rate possible and everything at the highest settings. I won't be overclocking either, I haven't got any knowledge about it. I play all kinds of games like Forza Horizon 4, Wreckfest and I'll want to play the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Cyberpunk 2077 when they come out and modern games in general. I don't play competitively to the extreme but I like to have that extra performance advantage.

I know that all this can be expensive, but it's my hobby and I'm willing to spend the money.

Any help will be welcome. Thank you, I'll wait for your answers.
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if money is no objection yes the 9900k is the best right now, paired with a 2080 ti you are set for 4k gaming for a long time.

(also note that the 5GHz out of the box 9900KS is coming around the corner but its assumed to be 200USD more expensive than the traditional 9900k and the difference of 4.7GHz and 5GHz in game is really not noticeable, just a heads up.)

heres an example of the 9900k build.

PCPartPicker Part List

now id only recommend the 9900k if money is really not a question, because you also need a higher resolution monitor to actually use the 2080ti, high refresh 1440p or 4k 60hz monitor should do the trick.
either the 9700k/8700k and Ryzen 3700x/3800x would be more than enough for gaming especially at 1080p,

Short answer: No.
The 9700k and 3700X are very close alternatives in performance.

For gaming + streaming, or other combinations of tasks, there are better options available in Ryzen 3000.

If you're truly set on a 2080Ti, you will need a new higher resolution monitor. Because no cpu available today can match pace with this monster of a card at 1080p, it does not perform significantly better than setups running the much cheaper 2070 Super or RX 5700XT.
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Bottom line of you want the absolute best FPS and for gaming ONLY with money not being too much of an issue, then the 9900K is the one to beat with the 9700K extremely close and in some titles winning. As you are not using your PC for anything other than gaming with no streaming, then the 9900K is as good as it gets and coupled to the RTX 2080ti it will be a great combination for very high refresh 1080p and very high refresh 1440p...It will also play 4K very well.
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if money is no objection yes the 9900k is the best right now, paired with a 2080 ti you are set for 4k gaming for a long time.

(also note that the 5GHz out of the box 9900KS is coming around the corner but its assumed to be 200USD more expensive than the traditional 9900k and the difference of 4.7GHz and 5GHz in game is really not noticeable, just a heads up.)

heres an example of the 9900k build.

PCPartPicker Part List

now id only recommend the 9900k if money is really not a question, because you also need a higher resolution monitor to actually use the 2080ti, high refresh 1440p or 4k 60hz monitor should do the trick.
either the 9700k/8700k and Ryzen 3700x/3800x would be more than enough for gaming especially at 1080p,

but since your current monitor is actually really good its a waste to replace it, you might want to consider something like the 2070/2080 Super or 5700 XT instead, since you wont notice anything different vs the 2080ti at 1080p.
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9900k if
-you dont care about bang for buck
-only care about FPS
-only play games and dont do any editing/streaming/any real work
-want to play games in 4k or 1440p and never at 1080p.
-want to overclock and brag about some numbers

otherwise go with AMD, i personally would never buy 9900k even if i had pot of gold, it just not make any sense to me, only reason to buy 9900k is you are one of those enthusiast who would pay couple of thousand $$$ extra just to get those extra 15-20 fps.
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9900k if
-you dont care about bang for buck
-only care about FPS
-only play games and dont do any editing/streaming/any real work
-want to play games in 4k or 1440p and never at 1080p.
-want to overclock and brag about some numbers

otherwise go with AMD, i personally would never buy 9900k even if i had pot of gold, it just not make any sense to me, only reason to buy 9900k is you are one of those enthusiast who would pay couple of thousand $$$ extra just to get those extra 15-20 fps.
Ok, now the 3rd and 4th points I disagree with.
3rd: If you don't do any of those, that's when you get a 9700K. If you add those in, then the 9900k makes sense.
4th: You've got this backwards. 1440p and 4k are where this cpu loses value. The cpu doesn't matter as much at higher resolutions.
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9900k if
-you dont care about bang for buck
-only care about FPS
-only play games and dont do any editing/streaming/any real work
-want to play games in 4k or 1440p and never at 1080p.
-want to overclock and brag about some numbers

otherwise go with AMD, i personally would never buy 9900k even if i had pot of gold, it just not make any sense to me, only reason to buy 9900k is you are one of those enthusiast who would pay couple of thousand $$$ extra just to get those extra 15-20 fps.

id say for 1080p the 9900k would be the best, at 4k or 1440p it wont matter as much since the real work will be offloaded to the GPU, thats why when review sites or review channels test CPU in gaming they limit it to medium 1080p to see which one is really faster. at 4k the 9900k with a 2080ti will have almost the same performance as a 2700x with 2080 ti.
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If you buy a 9900k and don't oc then it lose its performance crown.Personally i feel that everything intel does.Amd does cheaper.On 4k it doesn't really matter.The 9900k will get around 10-15 fps better some a little higher depends on game.

Another thing to consider is that the 9900k needs a good cooler and it comes without a cooler.
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